Prince Theed Adrsae, heir apparent to the Kingdom of Endromur, huffed in the cold winter air and ran a hand through is unruly brown hair as he watched the horizon from his receiving tent.
“How long?” he asked his eunuch-equerry, Qru
“Momentarily, my prince”
Theed was a tall, well-muscled boy of sixteen years. His silk deep blue tunic did little to hide his taut chest. Already he had gained a reputation as an intelligent manipulator and talented warrior among his father’s court. Around him was arrayed thirty of his retainers, each hand picked from the elite Mandatories Corps, once a conscripted unit, know a volunteer force. His banner swayed in the light morning breeze.
The crunch of frosted grass announced the arrival of delegation from Kefreria. A squadron of two score horse archers crested the rise and came down to meet the reception party. At its head was a boy of similar age and height to the Prince, clad in reds. His long hair framed the dark skin and characteristic cheekbones of Kefererian nobility. He carried himself self as a high-born son