Princes reunited [MM]

Prince Theed Adrsae, heir apparent to the Kingdom of Endromur, huffed in the cold winter air and ran a hand through is unruly brown hair as he watched the horizon from his receiving tent.

“How long?” he asked his eunuch-equerry, Qru

“Momentarily, my prince”

Theed was a tall, well-muscled boy of sixteen years. His silk deep blue tunic did little to hide his taut chest. Already he had gained a reputation as an intelligent manipulator and talented warrior among his father’s court. Around him was arrayed thirty of his retainers, each hand picked from the elite Mandatories Corps, once a conscripted unit, know a volunteer force. His banner swayed in the light morning breeze.

The crunch of frosted grass announced the arrival of delegation from Kefreria. A squadron of two score horse archers crested the rise and came down to meet the reception party. At its head was a boy of similar age and height to the Prince, clad in reds. His long hair framed the dark skin and characteristic cheekbones of Kefererian nobility. He carried himself self as a high-born son

Theed stared at the rider, indescribably glad to see his friend Ejuo Kulde, prince of the Kefererian Empire again. More than a friend, Theed reminded himself, thinking back to those days when they first met on a joint campaign against the frontier-bands to the east. He cast his mind back to nights spent in each other’s company and his cock twitched appreciatively. Ejuo cantered to a stop in front of the retinue and dismounted. He strode forward.

“Theed! How are you heh?” The prince smiled at Ejuo’s complete disregard for ceremony.

“Decent enough Ejuo, now if I may be formal?”

“Oh if you must” said Ejuo

“I Prince Theed Ardsae, in the name of the Kingdom of Endromur, do welcome you, Prince Ejuo Kulde of the Kefererian Empire, and accredit your presence here under the laws of hospitality.”

“Excellent!” what say you we retire inside your little tent to get out of the cold, heh?”

The two princes dismissed their retinues and turned and walked through the flap of the tent, making sure the flap was sealed. Once inside they took each other in a long deep kiss, Ejuo’s silky hair spilling over Theed’s shoulders.

“Oh, how long has it been Ejuo?” said Theed as they broke the kiss and looked each other in the eyes.

“Too damn long, my friend”

Ejuo stepped back and admired Theed’s body in its completeness.

“How long do we have?” Ejuo asked

“Until I say”

Theed pushed Ejuo gently back onto the carpet of Segoraen Auroch fur, and started to place wet kisses down his silk leggings, teasing his way to his cock. Ejuo smiled and stroked Theed’s hair.

Theed unlaced the leggings, and pulled Ejuo rapidly growing member out. He took it in his hand and stroked it slowly, kissing the shaft with each pull. He slipped his lips over its tip and tongued it. Ejuo legs twitched with pleasure and his grip on Theed’s hair grew tighter. Theed increased the tempo of his sucking, reaching the very bottom of the shaft. Saliva mixed with precum pulsed out with each suck. Ejuo groaned with ecstasy, his eyes closed.

“like a women” gasped Ejuo

Theed nodded wordlessly, kneeled up, and started to unlace his tunic, as did Ejuo. Both where naked revealing their slender, hairless torsos. Ejuo ran his tongue along the tight abdominals of Theed, receiving a murmur of arousal in response.

Theed flipped Ejuo over and kissed his down his back muscle towards his tight arsehole. He took his long thin cock in his hand and slid it into Ejuo’s arse, feeling it envelop the swollen head. He thrust slowly, letting his eyes wander over the beautiful curve of Ejuo’s back. Ejuo was eager, and pushed himself back against Theed’s cock.

Both felt themselves building to orgasm and their rhythms entwined, until a wave of pulsing white blankness overwhelmed both of them. Pure pleasure spilt forth from both their cocks, Ejuo feeling the thick cum streaming up inside him. They both lay there on the ground, one atop the other for a moment, letting themselves return their breathing to normal and to find comfort in the presence of the other.

“Damn, I missed you” Said Ejuo, glancing over his shoulder.

In response Theed leant forward and kissed him deeply, Ejuo still able to taste his precum on Theed’s tongue.
