I want to fuck my Boss: Pt. 2 – [MF] ❤️

Today I ensured I stood out. I keep it professional since I see my boss quite a bit (not 40 hours/week, more like 15) but this site really has had me thinking otherwise.

Our uniforms are relatively casual, just to wear a company T-shirt and whatever pants/shorts we desire. Yes, that means yoga pants. Today I wore grey joggers that tie up the front and get really tight around my ass. They really make my lower body look amazing, despite literally being sweatpants.

My boss was standing and working in our back kitchen on some prep work during our lunch hour. I needed to retrieve something from underneath the table that he was working on, but he didn’t have to move, I was on the opposite side. I knelt down so that I was eye level with the table, and ultimately probably his dream position. I struggled for a second because everything is unorganized, but as I was reaching, I peeked up for a second. My boss was looking directly at me. I made sure to bat my long eye lashes and flash a small smile, but I looked away quickly. I literally cannot keep eye contact with him. I knew what he was thinking, because I was thinking it too. I eventually grabbed the item I needed (don’t want to be so specific that he recognizes this story if he were to ever find my Reddit) and went back to the front of our store. Dying.

I want to fuck my boss! [MF]

Since the day David* (changed for privacy reasons) interviewed me, I really had to do my best to focus on his questions while maintaining eye contact. He has beautiful green eyes that have a way of making you stare a little bit longer. I couldn’t see his face because we were still in the mask wearing mandate, but I just knew he was handsome. I felt an instant chemistry with him but knew I needed this job and had to keep it professional. His chest and arms basically pop out of his shirt, but he isn’t douchey about it, he’s just big. He’s kind, funny and one of the HOTTEST men I’ve ever laid my eyes on, and he’s my boss.

I’ve been his employee ~6 months, and we’ve maintained a cordial, friendly work relationship. We work well under pressure together and he’s a very hard worker whose dedicated to his position. I am older than him (29) by a couple years (27). I obviously find him attractive but I do my very best not to show it/mind my business so things remain professional.
Other females in the business think he’s hot, one significantly younger employee openly crushing on him, even though she herself has a man. He’s irresistible— He is about 5’11”, fit as can be (exercises regularly), 6 pack with huge arms/hands/fingers, dresses nicely, lights up a room with his smile and his voice is so sexy and deep, I could listen to him talk forever.