A freezing trip to Montreal [Group]

Last winter, my girlfriend Hannah and I took a trip to Montreal with another couple, Paul and Kate. We are all in our late 20s. Paul and I are best friends from college, and Hannah and Kate have gotten really close over the past couple years that Hannah and I have been dating. We had done a few other long weekends together and always had a great time. We left Friday morning and had a fun drive up from Boston, entertaining ourselves by playing car games and listening to music.

It was mid-January when we went, and during a particularity cold snap of weather. By the time we crossed the boarder into Canada, the thermometer in the car had dropped to 0 Fahrenheit, and snow flurries had started to fall. We navigated the traffic into Montreal, then looked for a place to park near the Airbnb we had rented. None of us speak more than just very basic french, so navigating the parking signs was an issue. Eventually we found a spot we were moderately confident was legal, parked the car, and made the freezing trek to our accommodations.