Moving-In Day: Serena and Simon [MF, vanilla, but Madagascan organic vanilla]

Serena grabbed two cans from the fridge and returned to the living room, where Simon had made himself comfortable on her new sofa. She grinned at him as she threw one of the cans in his direction.

“Good to see you trust our handiwork, Simon.”

He smiled back at her, before cracking the can and raising it in her direction. “A toast. To the quality of our handiwork!”

She tapped her can against his; they both drank deeply. It had been a long day. She still couldn’t believe he’d responded to that slightly panicky post she’d put up during the week, especially given that they hadn’t seen each other in years.

He leaned forward, suddenly looking serious. “God, Serena, I just realised how late it is. What time is your daughter coming home? Do you need me gone by-”

She laughed, struck suddenly by just how much he’d helped. “Don’t worry, she’s with her dad until Monday morning. I’d been planning on spending the whole weekend unloading and putting all this furniture together. You coming round to help out just bought me a day and a half to myself.”

Networking In The Industry [M/F, mild Mdom]

She was only with us for two years.

I can still remember the day she started. I was sitting at my desk losing my mind trying to make sense of the figures when David knocked on my door and introduced her as the new girl. There was an instant after I first looked at her and before I managed to control my expression; I was certain she’d seen it, that she’d known in that moment just how intensely the primal part of my brain forced its way to the front and roared its approval. Only an instant, though, and my face was back to carefully moderated professionalism. I managed to hold it even as David explained that thanks to a change in reporting lines, she’d be working for me.

For two years I maintained that blankly polite exterior around her. Two years in which she went from being barely one rung above an intern to being the strongest performer on the floor. Two years in which I rigorously avoided admiring her curves, or her smile, or her eyes; the last thing she needed was anyone thinking her success was a result of her manager having the hots for her, and she deserved better than to have to deal with a horny boss trying to get into her pants. So for two years I was polite and professional, and never once gave the slightest hint that I found her attractive, much less that I felt sexually drawn to her in a way I’d never before felt with anyone.

Never Did Get To The Pool

In hindsight, that email confirming I’d be rooming with Susan for the Christmas party was the best news I got all year. Of course, I didn’t think it was at the time; I was cursing my luck and wondering if I’d have to sleep on a lounger by the pool rather than share a room with her and whoever she’d inevitably bring back in the middle of the night. I spent three days trying to find an alternative, but nobody was dumb enough to swap with me. Thank God they didn’t.

Then, the day before we left for the hotel, an email from Simon. He was meant to be rooming with Dave, but with Dave’s wife giving birth a month early Simon now had a twin bedroom all to himself, and would I like to take the spare bed? I had to think about it; I’d wanted to taste his tongue in my mouth since I’d joined the company three years ago, but despite our regular flirting, he’d never given any indication that he might cheat on his girlfriend. Sharing a room with him and having to keep my hands to myself would be almost as bad as staying with Susan – but not quite. So I took him up on his offer and promised that the first round was on me as a thank you.

Never Did Get To The Pool, Part II

Never Did Get To The Pool, Part II

Part One here:


Simon turned off the shower and stepped out, pulling a warm towel from the rail. He turned to me and told me to put a foot up on the edge of the bathtub. I did as he said, lost as to what he was planning. Without a word, he began to dry me off, moving gently and slowly up my leg. I switched feet at his request, and watched as he patiently worked his way up again, moisture still glistening and beading on his own skin. For an instant, I felt the skin of his fingertips brush against my inner thigh – then he took my hand as I stepped out and onto the bathroom floor. His arms wrapped around me and draped me in the towel, his hands pushing it up and down my body. He was pressed against me now, my belly and breasts separated from his torso only by that single layer, our body heat drying us both at once.

Never did get to the pool [M/F] [Consent is sexy]

In hindsight, that email confirming I’d be rooming with Susan for the Christmas party was the best news I got all year. Of course, I didn’t think it was at the time; I was cursing my luck and wondering if I’d have to sleep on a lounger by the pool rather than share a room with her and whoever she’d inevitably bring back in the middle of the night. I spent three days trying to find an alternative, but nobody was dumb enough to swap with me. Thank God they didn’t.

Then, the day before we left for the hotel, an email from Simon. He was meant to be rooming with Dave, but with Dave’s wife giving birth a month early Simon now had a twin bedroom all to himself, and would I like to take the spare bed? I had to think about it; I’d wanted to taste his tongue in my mouth since I’d joined the company three years ago, but despite our regular flirting, he’d never given any indication that he might cheat on his girlfriend. Sharing a room with him and having to keep my hands to myself would be almost as bad as staying with Susan – but not quite. So I took him up on his offer and promised that the first round was on me as a thank you.