So a couple years back, a girl I went to HS with (and fucked at a party once) popped up on my “people you might know” thing on FB. I’ll call her Anna for the sake of the story. I haven’t seen this girl in almost 20 years and we don’t really have any common friends. I stalked her profile and figured out she lives very close to me and is a single mom. She still looks good in her pics, slightly thicker around the hips, but in that sexy milf way. Until this point, I had hoped to just run into her by happenstance at some point at the grocery store or something, but no luck. I’ve decided tonight I’m going to shoot her a casual DM just saying hi and see how it goes.
As the title states, I’m married. And quite happily for the most part. But if you read my previous post, you’ll see that every so often I get an insatiable craving for strange- namely trashy, small-town types of girls. Now calling Anna “trashy” might be a bit of a stretch, but she definitely checks a lot of other boxes for me. She isn’t dumb, but she’s chronically naive, which I find incredibly hot. To the best of my knowledge, she’s never been your classic “slut”, so I can’t picture her out there throwing the pussy around to anyone, but I know she’s always had a crush on me and might still have a weak spot.