[MF] The sofa is not just for sitting… Having fun with my husband.

It’s been a while since I posted my first story so I thought I’d update and let you all know (if anyone cares) my sex drive is still very much on fire and my poor husband is having to tend to my needs on a daily basis … we’re having a lot of fun…

Take a couple of nights ago for example…

He’d been working at home and I’m still on maternity leave so we’re in the house together. Every time he came downstairs during the day to grab a drink/ snack, we’d touch each other up. His hand down my bra playing with my nipples, grabbing my ass, my hand stroking his dick and kissing his neck… this carried on all morning.

Later I saw him heading out the home office to grab a drink before his next meeting, I stopped him by the stairs and pulled down his pants, I got on my knees and put his dick in my mouth and let it grow inside and then began teasing the head with my tongue, he gave a sound of approval while I smiled back at him. I stopped and pulled his pants back up and sent him on his merry way back to work, both of us wanting more but knowing we’d have a great evening after the days build up.

[MF] From barely no sex drive at all to permanent state of arousal after breastmilk incident

Firstly, although I’m not new to Reddit, I’ve barely posted and mainly a scroller enjoying the vast amount of useful and not so useful subs on here. I certainly haven’t ventured into any of these naughty subs until a few days ago. So forgive me for any lack of Reddit etiquette and the length of this post.

I’m female in my late 30’s. I’m told I look young for my age and do try and look after myself but I’m 5 months postpartum with my second child so not in my best shape and feeling somewhat self conscious and lacking in confidence right now I guess.

Now … let’s say up until now I’ve never had that urge for sex, in fact I’d recoil at the touch and try whatever to get out of it. I’d eventually do it for my boyfriends to keep them happy and with effort I’d eventually get into it and orgasm sometimes. I did think maybe I was asexual or even gay as I do enjoy lesbian porn and often masturbate to it, however I’m not interested in women romantically, I guess it’s just the idea of it.