My teacher made me a women [FF]

I come from the family of religious middle class family staying in the suburbs, far from urban reality. Being only 2 kids meant my parents had all the time and focus for me and my step sister. I was watched upon all the time. My room did not have a door to avoid me doing any “sinful” acts while alone. and I dint have a phone until I finished school. To make matters worse me and my step sister were home schooled to avoid exposure to the bad ones out there. Only female teachers were allowed to come home and teach us. What we watched on tv was controlled. The only sex related knowledge I had was what I received from my biology teacher, Samantha by the age of 17. She was a savior and had she not been there I would have never known about my inner hunger. I liked her a lot; she was the only one who understood me. The teachers were the only ones I was trusted with as both my parents worked, and teachers would sort of babysit me through out the day too.