[MF] How I became a sexual pawn in a competition between two college roommates [Part 3]

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/r5nw7k/mf_how_i_became_a_sexual_pawn_in_a_competition/)

[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/r6gsau/mf_how_i_became_a_sexual_pawn_in_a_competition/)


I was nervous. I hesitantly knocked on the door and it swung open.

“Hey!” Renee said with a big smile as she gestured me inside. There was music playing, and a half-full bottle of wine sat on the kitchen island. Renee and Lauren were both absolutely giddy, and were dressed to the nines. I usually saw them both in casual/athletic wear, so it was nice to see them dolled up with full makeup, curly hair, and dresses.

“We just got back from a fancy school event.” Lauren told me, obviously sensing my confused eyes all over her.

“That’s uh, good.. was it fun..?” I asked. This was not what I was expecting.

They said it was alright, but they were more looking forward to what they had planned for afterwards.

“Yeah, so what did you mean ‘We’re going to settle this?’ I mean.. is everything cool here…?” I asked tentatively.

They turned to look at each other and started laughing.

“Relax man, everything is fine. We’re not going to let some fuckboy get between us.”

[MF] How I became a sexual pawn in a competition between two college rommates [Part 2]

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/r5nw7k/mf_how_i_became_a_sexual_pawn_in_a_competition/)


I tentatively entered Lauren’s bedroom. Despite being in this apartment dozens of times, this was the first time I’d ever seen inside her room. Disney decorations, pictures of friends, lame quotes, lots of pink… it was a classic college girl room.

“You made the right choice.” She said. She asked me to go wash up in her bathroom first. When I came back out, she was sitting on the side of the bed in just a pair of bright pink panties, nothing else.

“Renee says that you’re an amazing fuck. I need to find out if that’s true or not.” Girl talk..

“No pressure” I replied. My cock was still rock hard and aching for attention after the previous blue-balling.

I walked over to the bed and stood so that my waist was at the same height as her face. I reached down and gently caressed her face. “Are you going to be a good girl and finish what she started?” It felt awkward to say to someone I barely knew, but I tried to put on a confident voice.

[MF] How I became a sexual pawn in a competition between two college rommates

I matched with Renee on a dating app and we quickly became friends with benefits. Don’t let that term fool you, it was probably 90% benefits, 10% friends. She was a doctoral student who moved into town to pursue a PhD in something smart. From the get-go, it was clear that she was in the market for dick, not for love. Lucky for both of us (and you, reader), I was more than willing to provide. After chatting for a bit on the app and sending a few snaps, I had offered to meet somewhere public first in order to grab coffee and get to know each other. She flatly proclaimed that she didn’t have time for that, and insisted I came over instead. When she opened the door to her apartment, I had barely said hello before she was grabbing my shirt and pulling me into her bedroom.

Double Date [Group]

A few years back my girlfriend at the time, Katie, sent me a fairly innocent text:

“hey is Brett still single?”

Brett was a guy who I met through a mutual friend. I rarely saw him in person, but we had been gaming together for years with a squad of dudes, so I knew him well. He’s shy at first, but funny when you get to know him. I like the guy a lot. And he was still single.

“yeah I think so, why?”

“Heather was wondering if I had anyone I could set her up with”

Heather was Katie’s close friend. They knew each other through school. Heather was NOT shy at first, but she’s also pretty funny. She’s extremely bubbly and extroverted. I liked hanging out with her in small-to-medium doses.

“uhh I guess I will ask him and see if he’s interested!”

This kicked off a wild series-of-fortunate-events that eventually culminated in the four of us sharing a bed after a night of partying.


The next time we were gaming, I sent Brett a private message over Steam. I know he’s a shy guy so I didn’t want to ask him in the group chat and put him on the spot.

The Hairdresser [MF]

I usually get my hair cut by Shelly, a nice older lady who works out of a small shop in town. I’m the kind of guy who doesn’t like to make small talk during a cut, and Shelly understands this perfectly. It feels like a running joke between us. Once a month I arrive, say a quick hello, take my seat, and she does her business quietly. Once I hear “Okay, all done!”, I routinely reply “Looks great, thanks!” Then I pay up front and I’m out the door. Just a simple transaction. But this story isn’t about Shelly. Like I said, nice older lady. Emphasis on older.

A few years ago I was looking especially haggard after I had gone several weeks without a cut. I was looking like Season 1 Jim Halpert when I preferred to look like Season 6 Jim Halpert. I called in to book an appointment, and the lady on the phone told me that Shelly was out of town for a while but had arranged someone to cover her usual clients. Didn’t really matter to me, I wasn’t (and still am not) too picky about my hair. So I booked myself in for an evening with Shelly’s backup.

Snowed In [MFF]

A few years ago I was house-sitting for some family friends as they took a winter vacation somewhere warm. They have a large farm out here in the midwest, about 20 minutes from the closest city. They’re retired, so there wasn’t much to do in terms of chores, they just felt better about having a dude in the house rather than leaving it empty for several weeks. It worked out well for me; I got paid to live in a nice, quiet house away from the city. I used my time to study and relax, and apparently to luck my way into a threesome.

At university, I was looped into a group project with Emma. I’d known her pretty well from previous classes. I would call us acquantances, not quite friends. We had chatted occasionally but I honestly couldn’t tell you much about her personal life. But she had a fun personality and I knew she worked well, so I was happy with my assigned partner. She was a short, bubbly girl with brown hair, a pleasant face, and a curvy body. A little bit curvier than I usually liked, but her fun personality brought her up a few points on the attractive scale. Truthfully, she was more into me than I was into her. Her eyes lit up when she found out we were grouped together, and she touched my arm frequently as she gushed about how much fun we were going to have as partners.

Vacation fling, with a twist [MF]

Anyone who’s been to a destination wedding knows that it’s the people you’re with that makes or breaks the experience. For me, a late-twenties male, the best destination weddings I attended were the ones where the other wedding guests were fun, energetic, and adventurous. This was not one of those times. I love my family, but I’ll be the first to admit they can be boring people. They’re too shy to try new things, they go to bed early, they only stay on the resort, etc. So as a result, the first few days of a distant cousin’s wedding in Cancun were less-than-ideal.

Although the weather was great and the booze was free and unlimited, there’s only so much sitting by the pool that I could handle while my father lounged in the chair next to me, finishing his 138425th Sudoku puzzle. I had cabin fever, and it was clear that the people in our wedding group weren’t going to help me solve it. So I got up and wandered off to try and find something to do.

Red Rock Camp [MF]

When I was in my late teens, I started volunteering for a typical summer camp in the midwest. The campers were mostly in the 10-15 year old range. Some of them came from low-income social programs, some of them were just dumped there by their parents who wanted to be childfree for a couple weeks in the summer. The camp was co-ed, meaning that the daily activities and meals were shared between boys and girls, but the sleeping arrangements were separated. The boy cabins had a boy counselor, and the girl cabins had a girl counselor. This was back in the 90s when gender stuff was still pretty binary, and having a young adult male supervise younger girls at night would have raised many eyebrows.