First time, is it good?

Lucious sat in the dark interior of the inn. He hated such filthy places, what little light streamed through the interior of the building, shone on the thick clouds of dust that got stirred up by the occasional passing patron. Calling this place a building was a joke, but there was no where else to stay on this particular stretch of road.

Then a beauty with the most amazing eyes stepped in through the door. Lucious squinted leaning forward in his chair at the sight of those pale eyes. For a moment, he didn’t care if his clothes wrinkled or collected dust.

‘Is she blind?’ He found himself wondering as she moved gracefully through the darkened interior. He felt a tingle of excitement as her clothes tugged gently at her breast as stepped around a table. The same motion caused her to lean a bit over, stepping around a stool left abandoned in the room, her backside brushed up against the table, because there really wasn’t much room. And Lucious felt his lips grow dry as he saw the fabric pull tight, revealing a thin line that marked the supple curve of her ass.