Truth Or Dare at sleepover [Part 1] [M/F/F/F] [Long]

I was the first one to break the silence.
“Sooooo, are we still doing truth or dare orrrr?”
Mathilda laughed
“Yeah why not, it’s my turn right?”
“Alright, Laura truth or dare”
“Ok, if me and Emily left, and Felix wanted to do it, would you fuck him?”
“Oooooh that’s a good one”
I was immeadietly intrugied.
“Well, i mean, you heard me back there, so that’s a big yes”
I couldn’t belive it. She actually wanted to have sex with me. Mathilda was overflowing with excitement.
“Awwwwwww that’s so cute”
Laura blushed.
“My turn now, Emily, truth or dare?”
“I pick truth”
“Hmmm, is Mathilda good at eating pussy”
Mathilda scoffed.
“Why the hell is that a question, i’ve told you several times that im a pro!”
“Yes, but i want someone to confirm it.”
Emily giggled.
“Yeah Mathilda is pretty good at it. She clearly knows what she is doing. 10/10 would recomend.”
Mathilda blushed and then looked at Laura. “See! I told you”
“Okay okay okay.”
Emily interupted them.
“My turn now! Felix, truth or dare”
“I dare you to go into Mathildas room and fuck Laura, me and Mathilda can leave if you want privacy, or, let me do anything i want to you without any saying no, for the next 30 minutes.”
Wow, that was a tough one. On one hand i could finally lose my virginity to the girl that i like, or, i could do some crazy shit with Emily.
“Hmmm that’s a tough one, but i think im gonna go for the latter option.”
Laura hit me on the shoulder.
“Bruh! Why you betray me?”
“Sorry, we can do something later, Mathilda truth or dare?”
“Show Laura how good you are or, give me a blowjob when i come back”
“Well im gonna help Laura then, i have always wanted to do that anyways.”
And with that said, we parted ways. The last thing i saw before we left the room was Mathilda crouching down in front of Laura.

Truth Or Dare at sleepover [Part 1] [M/F/F/F] [Long]

I was the first one to break the silence.
“Sooooo, are we still doing truth or dare orrrr?”
Mathilda laughed
“Yeah why not, it’s my turn right?”
“Alright, Laura truth or dare”
“Ok, if me and Emily left, and Felix wanted to do it, would you fuck him?”
“Oooooh that’s a good one”
I was immeadietly intrugied.
“Well, i mean, you heard me back there, so that’s a big yes”
I couldn’t belive it. She actually wanted to have sex with me. Mathilda was overflowing with excitement.
“Awwwwwww that’s so cute”
Laura blushed.
“My turn now, Emily, truth or dare?”
“I pick truth”
“Hmmm, is Mathilda good at eating pussy”
Mathilda scoffed.
“Why the hell is that a question, i’ve told you several times that im a pro!”
“Yes, but i want someone to confirm it.”
Emily giggled.
“Yeah Mathilda is pretty good at it. She clearly knows what she is doing. 10/10 would recomend.”
Mathilda blushed and then looked at Laura. “See! I told you”
“Okay okay okay.”
Emily interupted them.
“My turn now! Felix, truth or dare”
“I dare you to go into Mathildas room and fuck Laura, me and Mathilda can leave if you want privacy, or, let me do anything i want to you without any saying no, for the next 30 minutes.”
Wow, that was a tough one. On one hand i could finally lose my virginity to the girl that i like, or, i could do some crazy shit with Emily.
“Hmmm that’s a tough one, but i think im gonna go for the latter option.”
Laura hit me on the shoulder.
“Bruh! Why you betray me?”
“Sorry, we can do something later, Mathilda truth or dare?”
“Show Laura how good you are or, give me a blowjob when i come back”
“Well im gonna help Laura then, i have always wanted to do that anyways.”
And with that said, we parted ways. The last thing i saw before we left the room was Mathilda crouching down in front of Laura.

Truth Or Dare at sleepover [Part 1] [M/F/F/F] [Long]

(If you wanna go straight to the sex, go to the ***)

It was a pretty exciting friday evening, Mathilda invited a good part of our friend group over for a sleepover, we were going to be me, Thomas, Emily, Jonathan, Mathilda of course, Kyle, and Laura. Now i like Laura, and she likes me too, but we agreed to take it slowly. I was one of the first to get there, when the door opened i was greeted by Mathilda and Emily. Emily was hot as fuck, she was wearing her black top, that showed quite a lot of cleavage, and a pretty short skirt. Mathilda was just wearing her standard hoodie. Emily explained that her boyfriend Thomas sadly got sick and therefore couldn’t come, and Mathilda said that her boyfriend Jonathan decided to hang out with his friend Robin. Recently, Kyle and Mathilda had a falling out, so he wasn’t joining either. So it seemed it would just be me and the girls. About 5 minutes later Laura arrived. And holy shit, i was stunned. She had worn her favorite outfit, and it was deffinetly mine too.

Truth Or Dare at sleepover [Part 1] [M/F/F/F] [Long]

(If you wanna go straight to the sex, go to the ***)It was a pretty exciting friday evening, Mathilda invited a good part of our friend group over for a sleepover, we were going to be me, Thomas, Emily, Jonathan, Mathilda of course, Kyle, and Laura. Now i like Laura, and she likes me too, but we agreed to take it slowly. I was one of the first to get there, when the door opened i was greeted by Mathilda and Emily. Emily was hot as fuck, she was wearing her black top, that showed quite a lot of cleavage, and a pretty short skirt. Mathilda was just wearing her standard hoodie. Emily explained that her boyfriend Thomas sadly got sick and therefore couldn’t come, and Mathilda said that her boyfriend Jonathan decided to hang out with his friend Robin. Recently, Kyle and Mathilda had a falling out, so he wasn’t joining either. So it seemed it would just be me and the girls. About 5 minutes later Laura arrived. And holy shit, i was stunned. She had worn her favorite outfit, and it was deffinetly mine too.