Star Wars fangirl seeking talented wordsmith

Greetings exalted ones,

Forgive me for the many Star Wars puns within the contexts of this post but hopefully some of you have a sense of humour. I come from a galaxy far far away, more specifically a basement apartment with so little lighting that I’ve practically turned nocturnal. This subreddit has always kind of peeked my interest in a “look but don’t touch” kind of way, and now that I’m striking out on my own and free from the clutches of my sith boyfriend, here I am.

While I’ve always adored the written arts and it’s led to many dabbles into the world of written Star Wars and maybe one or two fanfictions about Obi Wan & Anakin touching lightsabers, that passion has extended into the written word. I’ve always been kind of a dork and while my friends (and mom) tell me I’ve got the ‘gamer girl’ kind of cute about me, quite frankly I’m shyer than a little Jawa on Tatooine.