Behind the bar. ff fm ffm

We’ve been sitting in the back booth af the bar for hours doing shots. You say something funny, I laugh and put my hand on your thigh. You look at me, knowing what I want. You kiss me. But I want more. More of your kisses, more of your hands on me, more of all of you. I lean in to get more than just a kiss. My hand on the back of your neck, pulling you into me. My other hand moves up your thigh. I can feel how hard you are for me. I kiss your neck, bitting just a little as I work my way to your ear. I whisper something in your ear but the music swells and you can’t hear me. I say it again a little louder. “make me cum, I’m so horny, I’m aching”. I stand up and start to walk away. Hoping you get the hint and follow me. I turn around and notice one of your buddies just slid into the booth opposite you.
“Fuck… I thought I was cumming tonight” I said a little louder than meant to as I walked up to the b
“Still might” I looked up realizing the bartender had heard me.