[MF] [M29]y Free Use Arrangement with a [F22]riend

In my last post about [The Russian Escort](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/i6wet0/mf_i_m29_unknowingly_hooked_up_with_a_russian/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), Alisa, we had a friends with benefit type of arrangement for a while. Unfortunately, it all ended when she had a go back to Russia because a passing of a family member right before COVID travel restrictions. She also admitted she caught feelings for me, but we agreed it’s not the best idea to move forward since we don’t know when we will meet again due to travel restrictions. We decided to stay in touch via messenger and Snapchat.

About a month after she left, Alisa called me out of the blue. She asked if I can help her best friend who was stuck in my city due to COVID. Her best friend, Mia, is a Turkish exchange student who was pursuing a business degree in the country. She and Alisa go way back and were one of the very few who knows Alisa works as a high-end escort. I happily obliged and let Alisa share my contact details with her. After a short call, Mia invited me over to her home, as we couldn’t meet anywhere in public due to the shutdown at the time. At this point, I still have no idea what she wants or need help with.

[MF] I [M29] unknowingly hooked up with a Russian escort [F20]

The Russian escort, let’s call her Alisa. Description of Alisa: 5 ft 9 or 180 cm tall, white tanned blonde with a fit surfer body and E cups.

I met Alisa for the first time when I was grabbing some Starbucks in the lobby of my client’s office building. Alisa was struggling to order since she doesn’t speak the foreign language of the country we are in and her English was average. I was lined up behind her and offered to help (baffles me why some people’s coffee preference is like a complex chemistry mix.) She thanked me while we wait for our orders. We small-talked for a little bit and she told me she’s new to the city and came here as an international exchange student.

Alisa is stunning, definitely a 9 out of 10. Her height and her beauty make her stand out in the crowd. I am decent looking but standing at 5 ft 6 or 170 cm tall so naturally, I didn’t think I had a shot. Our communication was challenging since her English is basic and I don’t speak Russian. Surprisingly, she asked if I wanted to grab dinner with her since she doesn’t know anybody in the city.

[MF] [M26]y roommate [F25] was stealing my underwear

I [M] am currently 29, this happened a few years ago. At the time I was finishing up my Master’s degree while working full time. I was sharing a two-bedroom apartment (each with private bathrooms) with a female roommate. My roommate, K, was 25 years old Master’s student who was a full-time student but didn’t have to work since her family was paying her tuition and expenses.

Description of K, 5 ft 4 or 165 cm tall, skinny build with A or B cups. She is a little socially awkward but very nice and friendly person. She has a typical accounting student look with thick dark-framed glasses. She is not my type but we become good friends.

I am out of the house most of the day because of work and school. K usually spends most of the day at the house, in her room if she doesn’t have class. She doesn’t have many friends and its pretty rare she goes out besides running errands or buying groceries. In all, she is the perfect roommate, who is always quiet, clean, and never brings people home. Moreover, she would cook good food and also make me a plate.

[MF] The time I (M26) turned the dream girl (F28) into my personal slut

This happened few a years ago when I [M] was 26 and held an important role in an organization and managed many sub-branches.

One day I was introduced to this girl [F28], P, who is new to one of our branches. P is about 5 ft 2 or 162 cm tall, short black hair, pale, skinny build with perky Bs. P is absolutely gorgeous with a natural beauty even without makeup. Close friends in the organization gossiped that many guys lust over her and have tried to hit on her without success. She was basically the dream girl that nobody could get. Frankly, she wasn’t my type and I didn’t think too much of it since I try to keep work and private life apart.

Eventually, I see P more frequently at work events and at mutual friend groups hangouts. B has this cold personality to people she’s not acquainted with. Which makes her very unapproachable, and probably why many guys who hit on her failed. We didn’t have a lot of interactions until one time when we all went drinking at a friend’s house. P became very friendly when she drinks, but she holds her liquor well and out drinks most people. Somehow the two of us got into a nice conversation and we both found out we had a lot in common.