I used to give my Boss blowjobs during Sales Calls, in my Wolf of Wall Street office [MF]

​Here’s my obligatory disclaimer: This was many years ago, and the world was a very different place back then.

If you’ve seen the movie, then you basically have a good idea of the office culture. ​I was an admin at this Wall St firm (no longer exists). My job really, was more to look pretty and be a party girl, than anything. Which was fine with me, as that fit my slutty personality back then.

I had been fucking my boss for some time now. In and out of the office. But one day, I was in his office, under his desk and on my knees. I was blowing him, when a customer called in, wanting to talk to the boss. I thought I would stop, but the boss wanted me to continue, as he pitched the customer some stock or whatever. So there I was, on my knees blowing him, as the boss is throwing some bullshit around and trying to close the guy. To be honest, I’m not sure what appealed to my boss more – the blowjob or the sales closing. I suppose each as its own adrenaline rush.

I was auctioned off in my Wolf of Wall St office [MF]

This was many years ago, before cell phones, the internet, and the MeToo movement. It was a different time, and the dynamic between men and women, especially in the office, was very different than it is today.

I had just started working at this small Wall St company (no longer exists). If you’ve seen the Wolf of Wall Street movie, then that’s basically the sexist, misogynist, macho culture. The office was known to hire pretty women for its admin jobs. Eye candy, a side piece, an office fuck plaything. The prettier and sluttier you were, the more you thrived in this crazy culture. Again, a different time back then.

Every so often, the pretty admins were shuffled around and reassigned. We would work with a new senior leader, or new hot shit, or whatever. Not for any merit of course, but just for the guys to ‘rotate’ and potentially play. Now, not all the guys were as creepy as this. But you only need a few of them, and well, you get the point. By then, I had worked there enough, that I was known as a party girl. I was down.. for whatever. I had already fucked my guy that I was originally assigned to. By then, I was so ingrained in this crazy culture, I was openly making hotel reservations, rather than processing paperwork. There were a few of us party girls in the office, and when it came to being reassigned, we were always in high demand.

We used to have Blowjob Contests in my Wolf of Wall Street office [MF]

This was many years ago, before cell phones, the internet, and the MeToo movement. It was a different time, and the dynamic between men and women, especially in the office, was very different than it is today.

The office back then was crazy. Not as over the top as the movie, but close enough. It wasn’t uncommon for being to be drinking, doing drugs, strippers, having sex through out the day. If you were part of the inner circle there, then you’re good. The office was known to hire young, attractive women for its admin jobs. Your looks mattered more than your skills or education. And us admins played with the men there, all the time. Again, a different time back then.

Every once in a while, the inner circle of guys and admins would party, and party hard. Back then, I was a party girl, so this was very natural for me. During some of these infamous office parties, they would get some of the party girl admins and do this impromptu blowjob contest. Here’s how it worked. When the office closed one night, the girls would strut down one of the office hallways, like a catwalk. The guys would be on the sides, and it would almost be like a bikini contest. Except the girls were in their bra/panties or whatever. No touching, just a friendly show to be judged and ogled after.

I was auctioned off in my Wolf of Wall St office [MF]

This was many years ago, before cell phones, the internet, and the MeToo movement. It was a different time, and the dynamic between men and women, especially in the office, was very different than it is today.

I had just started working at this small Wall St company (no longer exists). If you’ve seen the Wolf of Wall Street movie, then that’s basically the sexist, misogynist, macho culture. The office was known to hire pretty women for its admin jobs. Eye candy, a side piece, an office fuck plaything. The prettier and sluttier you were, the more you thrived in this crazy culture. Again, a different time back then.

Every so often, the pretty admins were shuffled around and reassigned. We would work with a new senior leader, or new hot shit, or whatever. Not for any merit of course, but just for the guys to ‘rotate’ and potentially play. Now, not all the guys were as creepy as this. But you only need a few of them, and well, you get the point. By then, I had worked there enough, that I was known as a party girl. I was down.. for whatever. I had already fucked my guy that I was originally assigned to. By then, I was so ingrained in this crazy culture, I was openly making hotel reservations, rather than processing paperwork. There were a few of us party girls in the office, and when it came to being reassigned, we were always in high demand.

I got a Facial during my Wolf of Wall Street interview [MF]

This was many years ago, before cell phones, the internet, and the MeToo movement. It was a different time, and the dynamic between men and women, especially in the office, was very different than it is today.

I just graduated college, and was interviewing at this small Wall St company (no longer exists). If you’ve seen the Wolf of Wall Street movie, then it’s basically that type of crazy culture, but not as over the top and illegal. It was essentially a bunch of young guys, making tons of money, with no responsibilities or accountability. Alcohol, drugs, and women were their open pleasures that they indulged – all the time. The office was known to hire young, attractive women for its admin jobs. Your looks mattered more than your skills or education. Again, a different time back then.

My girlfriend actually got me the interview. She worked there for about a year, and told me the whole story. Look pretty, do some basic administration work, and keep an open mind. If you’re a party girl, then you’ll fit right in. Even more, if you’re a slut, then you’ll thrive in their macho sexist culture. My girlfriend played their game. I remember her getting these huge bonuses. She was happy. Honestly, back then I was a party girl, so this was a really good fit for me. I was broke, so the money would be great, and the travel and lifestyle was alluring. I was down to play their game.