[MF] Nurse seduced and fucked me between seeing patients

My last story about my residency in the emergency department was a lot more popular than I expected, so I thought I’d put another more recent on out there. I’ve been practicing in a general practice for the last year or so, so it’s a lot less frantic than what I’ve done in the past. Most of what I deal with are routine illnesses, sprains and random aches and pains. The practice has three doctors with five nurses that rotate between supporting the three of us. The other two doctors have both been practicing at this office for the last 15 or so years, so I’m the new guy, but the nurses seem to rotate through fairly frequently, especially the younger ones. Two of them are in their late 40s or early 50s while the other three are in their 20s or 30s.

[MF] Frisky Patient with Young ER Doctor

I’m not a writer and this is kind of long so bear with me. I’m a doctor at general practice now, but about 5 years back shortly after I graduated from med school, I was a resident who sometimes covered the emergency room. I have so many stories from that time, but one of them always comes back to me.

It was a Friday night around midnight, and it was actually pretty slow for that day and time. My hospital was kind of close to a college campus, so we would get a lot of drunk kids who need their stomach pumped or some minor scuffs from fights. I was bouncing between rooms when I was called into a room with a 20-year old female who I was told hurt my wrist after falling at the bar. Upon entering the room, I noticed her wavy, long blonde hair and her amazingly tight body. She was wearing a tight navy dress that hugged her large breasts and her curvy ass. She was immediately flirty with me as I started to examine her.