[MF] After the boring club party

I was coming home from this boring club party; past midnight and bored as hell. Since no buses were running on the streets, I was forced to take a cab even if I knew it was going to cost me a fortune; after all, I was a student and I was running on a tight budget every freaking month. The girls I had gone to the club with, decided to stay for a little longer because they were having ‘so…

Rest of the story is at comments and my profile

[FM] A day to remember – Evelyn Poe

There are things and events in life that will always get stuck in your head because they are either extraordinary or they are just ‘real’.

And the funny thing is that these things happen to you when you least expect them to happen…it’s like the universe having a way telling you “Hey, sucker…heads up, the world has not ended yet!” and then it gives you a little push so you are able to see beyond the corner again.

Something like that happened to me on a rainy day of October. I was lonely and felt lonely at the same time and I just…wasn’t in the mood for anything. I was sitting in a booth alone at a local coffee shop and kept sipping from my mug half filled with some pretty good espresso.

A stranger comes by…never seen him in my life…and he winks at me.

I’m like “What the fuck is his problem?”

He goes, buys a coffee and then comes back and sits right in front of me. I have to mention that the coffee shop was nearly empty, so he had a lot of room…but he chose to come and sit with me…just like that, for no apparent reason.