The Body Surfer’s girlfriend part 1 [MF][Inc]

Cassandra and me are really close, a relationship which goes beyond just a girlfriend and boyfriend. We’re companions, comrades and cohorts. We’re a synced unit of mayham. Simultaneously engaging in what others would see as disagreeable behavior. It helped us get away with a lot of shit but it was eventually going to catch up with us. We knew this but it did not stop us.

It was both our faults when we break into that lab for kicks and I got stuck in that chamber. I think we shorted out the lights trying to get me out cause that room was going nuts for a moment and everything went dark. Fortunately this meant the door finally unsealed and we both booked it like crazy. A week later in the news it was reported some equipment in an air pressure chamber had malfunctioned around the time we broke in and all electronics had been fried. It would be a huge expense to replace it all and they were thinking of selling the company now to keep research going.