Becoming a Pro Dom’s Kitten, P. 2: Hitching a Ride [FM]

[The First Night](

*At the end of this, there’s some rambling stuff in italics. If you want JUST the sexy stuff, read on, ignore the italics, and wait for part three. If you want the more honest truth about these events, keep your eyes out for italics.*

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Everything my life was, everything I thought I was…was different. I felt magical, vibrant, alive. With renewed confidence, I continued pursuing friendships. Put my nose to the grindstone academically. My parents planned a trip to come see my sister and I–my sister had started university in Nearby City two years previous, and she and her boyfriend would be hosting Thanksgiving that year. I was looking forward to it. I’d been missing them, even though I was quick spending all my time with new friends.

And speaking near-constantly with my new Sir.

Rick was….

Rick was a god to me. I can’t explain it any other way. His confidence, his presence, his aura in the company of others in the scene. He had been a professional dominant for many a year at this point, and I felt beyond blessed to be in his presence. I felt honored that he had noticed me, an eighteen-year-old BDSM virgin. A froshie university student, far from home, who was oh-so-vulnerable.

Becoming a Pro Dom’s Kitten: The First Night [FM]

As this is going to be a series, there’s a large amount of backstory. If you want to cut right to the chase, look for the next set of dashes. I promise the next parts won’t have this amount of backstory.

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I’ve always, always been kinky. Before I knew what BDSM was, what a rapekink was, I was dreaming about it. I was showing off my body in my bedroom window, wishing the neighbors across the street would take the hint and drag me inside. I even thought about walking up to their doors, and lifting up my dress to reveal my body when they opened it.

When I found Literotica, and finally found a name for what I was, the hunger only intensified. I found chatrooms, webcams. Flirted, sexted, obeyed both online and with my first ever boyfriend. Before he even took my pussy, he was bending me over in the woods and taking my virgin ass. I remember the marks he left on my ass after, the small bruises from being spanked a small omen of what would come after.