I made a silcone mold of my dick, Cause I wanted to see how people actually see it (if they do😂😂) [M]

I don’t know if I am weird or just lonely (guess lonely by choice though) but I wanted to see how my dick looks like, like not how I see it as an owner (lol) from the top or reflected on a mirror,, but how the other viewers see it.

So, I did a little research on how to do a cast and mold,,, turns out to be more or less fun.

I am here to share it, cuz I am not sure this is something you share in person,,, I sometimes think I may be obsessed of how I look, sometimes not,,, but as a man I think all men might agree on how we look is something that may affect us too.

So, I have a blue dildo of my thing, laying around in my room,, saying it sounds funny, but I don’t know, felt like I needed to share it, and let it out (pun intended)

Edit 1: since it is a gonewildstories, I have to admit the first time molding my dick, the alginate, was ehm warm and ehm ehm felt nice, so I couldnt help but let the train leave the station, if you know what I mean,,,, second time, when the aligante starts to stregnthen, and a point I felt my dick got stuck, I literally had to hardly pull out.