Vinitus – Chapter Three [plot heavy][fingering][cunnilingus][blowjob][tittyfuck][foursome]

When Cale, Harriet, Isla and Sybil arrived back at the Helix, another door had appeared beside the one that lead to Piadrian’s bedroom.

Cale’s room was the same size as Piadrian’s, but lacked the rows of bookshelves. It was too spacious. In the far right corner of the room was his bed, and way over to the left was a writing desk and trunk. Cale lay in on his bed—on top of the covers. Three arched windows lined the right side of the room, though his room wasn’t high enough to see beyond the noble keeps. The warm breeze was a soothing whisper rushing over his face; it made his eyes feel heavy. His chest was melting into the mattress.

*What do you think she wants?* Ellie’s voice asked.

*Ashforth? Probably the same thing everyone wants. Power.*

*Over the magi? Why would she want that? The order provides the nobles with anything they could possibly want.*

Cale yawned. *Perhaps she feels she’s too old for a babysitter.*

*Well, that I understand.*

Vinitus – Chapter Two [high-fantasy][magic][blowjob][slow-start]

[Chapter One](

“So, literally everybody? The nobles, the ordinary folk…. even the witches?”

Cale and Piadrian walked side by side up the wide, curving, main passageway. It was slow going with Piadrian holding onto Cale’s upper arm for support; he carried a cane in his other hand that looked like a smaller version of the staves the witches outside carried. He never put his weight on the cane, and took care not to let it knock against anything.

“If they ask you to.” Piadrian nodded. “We are servants here, Cale. It would be foolish of you to think this grants you any authority over Vinitus’ citizens.”

“So, I’m a slave then?” Cale wasn’t sure how he felt about that. He’d enslaved people before. Warriors, artisans, healers; even a particularly witty priest. Short of the priest—who’d he’d taken great pleasure in tempting with the kind of debauchery only the heir to Arnax could provide—he wouldn’t wish for any of their lives. Most were dead now.

“A servant is not a slave.” Piadrian’s grip on Cale’s arm tightened beyond what Cale thought the old man capable of. “You’re in this city to serve two purposes, but just as those purposes do not give you power over anybody else, nor do they give anybody else power over you.”

Vinitus – Chapter One [high-fantasy][magic][handjob][slow-start]

This is my first erotic story and my hope with it is to create a plot at least as engaging as the sex scenes. This first chapter is light on the hanky panky but it’ll pick up as the story progresses. Hope you enjoy reading!


Vinitus was a fiefdom unlike any other in Izar. It was private, even hermetic. In the bloodied history of Izar, Vinitus stood out like a sapphire in the mud. Vinits did not make alliances, nor did they make enemies. They did not recruit soldiers, nor send them on campaigns. Protected from the outside world by an arcane order of magi, they had no need to partake in the tradition—or in their words, plague—of conquest that their neighbours considered a way of life. Another difference was the population. Both The Rekeap—Vinitus’ capital city—and its surrounding farms and villages were populated entirely by women.

It was rare for a Vinit to leave their fiefdom, though it did happen on occasion. Every few years a woman would leave the capital and attempt to travel between territories, spouting nonsense about peace and love. They were something of a novelty entertainment to many an army. A child that entertained them with adorable, impossible ideas. They’d usually last at least a day or two before amusement waned and baser desires waxed.