[FM] Finally a slut


So I found this subreddit a few months ago and it has encouraged me to make some pretty big improvements to my life. I’m in a great five year relationship (I’m 22) where we are definitely getting married and I couldn’t be happier. I’ve always had slutty impulses, and always fantasised about sleeping with other guys but never dreamed of acting on them. That changed recently and I decided to slowly introduce it to my boyfriend. My strategy was to sexualise our pretty normal relationship, and try and get him used to the idea of me ‘appreciating’ the ‘qualities’ of other guys. I first started talking about how well I get along with some of the guys at work and how funny they can be sometimes. At first he didn’t like that, but eventually he got used to it and was happy I was having a good time at work. I sort of encouraged him to talk about when he thought a girl was hot too. It took a while, because I am normally pretty jealous, but he then started doing all the time (he’s really into asians, which is good because I’m asian). I then started to mention when I thought a dude had nice muscles or something which he sort of laughed along with and seemed surprisingly fine with.