A Shower in Quarantimes [MF]

Having just finished running the stairs in her apartment building, Lizzie enters her unit, dripping in sweat. She rushes to pour herself a glass of cold water in such a hurry that she forgets to lock her door. She takes her water glass into her bathroom, where she unsticks her workout clothes from her body. She turns on the shower, putting the temperature at the max. She steps in, turns her back to the shower head, and just lets the hot water pound against her neck and shoulders while she sips from her water, enjoying the the contrasting feeling of hot and cold after a tiresome workout and a long day.

Eventually, Lizzie begins to clean herself, and as she does, she lets her thick mane of hair cascade down the front of her chest so that the ends tickle her ribcage. Even still, her shoulders are a bit raised and the muscles in her neck are very tight. There is a knot on the back of her neck, to the left side, and no matter how she tries, she just can’t seem to apply enough force at the right angle to make it go way.