Erin was a little cold lying on the floor and the fruit pieces weren’t helping things. She was completely naked in the studio except for the pieces of melon on her tits and the small plastic sheet on her lap, keeping the fruit from sitting directly on her lips. Focusing again on keeping the fruit where it was as she made a new pose. Mark lowered his camera, ‘That’s a nice lot of pics but you also wanted to be without the melon pieces and having a few pieces being eaten by yourself, yeah?’ he queried.
‘Mhmm’ she confirmed with a bit of a nod, she liked Mark, they had worked together a number of times, mostly fully clothed a few lewds, this was the first time she’d been nude with him though. It was also the first time she’d seen him nude. When messaging him to do the shoot he’d responded, as he always did, “Is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable, during the shoot?” and she’d jokingly replied “You could be nude too.” When she had turned up at the studio, he’d been in a dressing robe ‘Hey i wasn’t one hundred percent sure whether or not you actually wanted me to be nude so I have clothes with me, but I am currently naked under this robe so it’s down to you, how much I wear?’