[MF] THE LAWYER – The following story is absolutely true, it really happened to me one evening a few years ago. It only happened the once, but it was truly and experience to remember.

**You can view full the illustrated version of THE LAWYER at** [https://eroticprose.com/](https://eroticprose.com/)

Mrs. Garr was an extremely attractive woman in her mid-20’s, and I was handling her legal suit…

“Mrs. Garr, what company are you insured by?” I asked her.

“Do you find me attractive, Mr. Riely?” she asks me in return.

“Excuse me” I reply, knowing full well what she had asked me.

“You heard me,” she says, beginning to lick her full red lips.

“Well, yes, but anyway..” I stammer.

“Well, I find you very attractive,” she asks in her throatiest voice.

Suddenly, wishing I’d never had entered the law profession I sheepishly smile, and try in vain to remember where I was in the de-position. She stood up, removing her coat, and revealing a very low-cut dress.

“Stand up!” she ordered.

Feeling very wobbly in the knees, I nonetheless obeyed.

“Do you want to FUCK me?” she asked staring lustily into my eyes.

I swallowed hard and answered “YES”.

“Well, then why don’t you,” she said.

“Because I’m a dedicated professional, and I don’t want to get involved with my clients,” I told her, swallowing hard.

[MF] [oral] [exh] IN PUBLIC – A true under the table public sex story.

**You can view full the illustrated version of IN PUBLIC at** [https://eroticprose.com/](https://eroticprose.com/)

My girlfriend and I arrived at Martinique a few minutes before our reservation and when the matre d’ accepted my hand in greeting, there was a twenty in the palm which from experience is instantly detected and deftly passed from my hand to his pocket.

He knows that it is a twenty by instinct. He is also converted immediately to one of my most loyal and accommodating friends willing to move anything and anybody in the house to make me happy and to ensure the presence of another twenty. In a very low voice, I let him know that my pleasure would be a corner table with a view of the dining room. For a moment he had that wild look that says that he’s trapped in a hopeless situation.

Then, whispering, just a moment, he disappeared and just as suddenly returned announcing that our table was ready. We both know that that table disappeared from the party that overlooked his twenty.

[MF] THE CASE HISTORY OF ELISE – Classic Literotica with an outstanding question?

**You can view full the illustrated version of THE CASE HISTORY OF ELISE at** [https://eroticprose.com/](https://eroticprose.com/)

Recently, Elise, a new client visited me and started describing her problem. She told me that she was a sex education instructor who was teaching young adults, generally college students, who were sexually inexperienced with sexual hang-ups and who needed guidance.

She had given several lectures using text but it was when she began showing explicit sex scenes on film that her problem started. The film was a silent movie, which depended upon her continuing commentary to provide an understanding of the scenes to the viewers. Pictures of the sex organs were shown and described by her.

The picture of the male’s penis always excited her for it was exceptionally large and had a shiny purple tulip bulb-like head that turned her on so much it made her uncomfortable in class.

After describing the function of each organ, she would cut to the next scene, which depicted the penetration of the penis into the woman’s vagina. Elise was standing in the rear of the room by the projector describing the entry and the effect of the thrusting cock on both the glans and the clitoris – while all the while; she was getting hornier and hornier herself!

[MF] [nursing-wife] [oral] THE ELEVATOR – An unsuspecting liaison when the elevator breaks down on the way to the clinic. A clinic sex story.

**If you like images to go with your story you can click for the illustrated version of THE ELEVATOR in the comments below. Enjoy…**

Tom Aaron jumped out of the cab in front of County General Hospital, getting soaked to the skin as a summer thunderstorm swept across Cobb County. Shaking off as much water as he could, Tom looked to find the correct bank of elevators that would take him to Dr. Golden’s office on the tenth floor.

Seeing one of the elevator doors beginning to shut, Tom broke into a sprint and stuck his arm into the closing doors and made them bounce back open allowing him entry. When he finally settled into the front corner of the elevator in front of the floor selection panel, he noticed a pretty young woman of about twenty-two or three leaning up against the wall at the back of the lift.

He nodded a cursory hello and turned back to wait for his stop at ten. Just as the elevator passed the sixth floor there was a hard bump and all the lights went out. The elevator was not moving and they were standing in pitch darkness. Before either of them could say anything an emergency light in the back corner popped on filling the elevator with a soft eerie yellowish light.

[MMMF] [mature] [group] [anal] MILF IN A MINI – A wild and sometimes torrid sex story of one liberal middle-aged couple’s seduction of two young hotel employees.

**You can view full the illustrated version of MILF IN A MINI at** [https://eroticprose.com/](https://eroticprose.com/milf-in-a-mini/)

After my rather drunken night, I was a little apprehensive about going down to breakfast and seeing Alex the young waiter or Nick the barmen, with whom hubby Alan had shared me the previous night. All sorts of thoughts went through my mind – that it would be all over the hotel, that has had a bit of fun with an older woman they would treat me as a bit of a joke or a slut.

Hubby had reassured me that he had been up for it as much as I had and he had really enjoyed himself – perhaps even too much as he was more dead than alive.

For myself, when I woke, I was tired and my body felt as if it had been trampled by a herd of elephants. I was still in my garter belt and stockings although the latter were laddered and the former covered in dried cum as were my breasts, hair, and pubic hair. The memories came flooding back of a night when for the first time in my life I had set absolutely no limits and really let myself go.

[FF] [seduction] [Asian] [rom] THE SEDUCTION OF YUI – A beautiful and romantic erotic story of a mentor’s seduction of her student.

**You can view full the illustrated version of THE SEDUCTION OF YUI at** [https://eroticprose.com/](https://eroticprose.com/)

Yui was 22 years old when she joined the agency last year. She was now approaching her 23rd birthday, as well as her first actual shoot with another girl. She had done numerous swimwear and non-nude shoots in the agency’s various studios and locations and was now looking forward to a shoot with a narrative.

Yui’s day began at 7 AM. After two hours of makeup, costuming, and adjusting lighting, the shoot was ready to begin. The brief for this shoot was that Yui was a high school student, and Ayaka was the teacher. There was to be some very light and inferred lesbian sexual activity that did not involve nudity. Yui was not so much nervous about the lesbian content, indeed, she had realized back in her own high school days that she thoroughly enjoyed looking at and touching her best friend, on whom she had a huge crush. No, she was more nervous about getting all of the professional elements right. Ayaka, five years older and a lot more experienced, had been her mentor and trainer, and now she was to be her seducer.

[MF] [wife] [cheating] CANDY STRIPPER – I love my husband and he provides almost everything for me. His preoccupation with work, however, meant I was forced into cheating…

**You can view full the illustrated version of CANDY STRIPPER at** [https://eroticprose.com/](https://eroticprose.com/)

Men often complain that their wives aren’t interested in sex, but my husband doesn’t complain at all – I’m the one with the complaint!

From early morning to late at night, my husband works as a heavy equipment salesman. He makes tons of money, but he never makes love to me except for a half-hearted effort on Saturday mornings.

What’s even worse, when he gets home at night he usually falls asleep on the couch. We never see a movie, go out to dinner, or even just go to the mall to get out of the house. Yes, if it wasn’t for the fact that he gives the kids and me all the money we need, life would be unbearable.

The worst thing, though, is that I really loved him before he began to think of nothing but work. I still do love him I guess, and that’s why for 15 years I never thought of cheating on him. I always thought everything would be all right if he’d just think of me sometimes instead of how many bulldozers he can sell to the big account in Idaho!

[MMF] [anal] A TAXI RIDE TO REMEMBER – A newbie cabby gives the ride of this life.

**If you like images to go with your story you can click for the illustrated version of A TAXI RIDE TO REMEMBER in the comments below. Enjoy…**

The cab driver was only 23 and had been in this country for just sixteen months. He had emigrated from Russia, hoping for a chance to make it big in the USA. The young cab driver was trying to keep his eyes away from the rearview mirror, but the woman’s moaning made it difficult for him. He found himself looking back and tilting the mirror down to get a better look.

The well-dressed man had told the cabby to drive slowly so they wouldn’t make the traffic lights on Sixth Avenue as the cab head-ed North. Ever since then the man and young woman at been at it hot and heavy.

The young Russian cabbie could see the man’s tongue move slowly up and down the pretty woman’s juicy cunt. She had wrapped her legs tightly around his head and had taken his swollen penis out and was jacking on it as he licked her between the legs.

[MF] [flirt] BUYING FISHFOOD – a true story of transferring my sexual frustration onto one unsuspecting shopkeeper.

**You can view full the illustrated version of BUYING FISHFOOD at** [https://eroticprose.com/](https://eroticprose.com/)

I was on-line chatting, yes hot chatting, Sensuous Erotic Chat!! I was so turned on, so excited. I could feel an orgasm building deep within. He had taken me right to the very edge and just held me there for so long, not allowing me that final pleasure. I am sure my neighbors next door could hear me as I moaned, groaned, swore a lot!

I could only type with one hand as the other one was quite busy. Actually, I am getting rather good at typing one-handed! Thanks to him! I had removed my panties and I had one leg up on the table next to the keyboard…..my chair sporting a wet spot. He was driving me insane!

And then it happened… “Sorry, I gotta run.” appeared on the screen. I wanted to choke him! I swore… I yelled… I almost cried! Something had come up (besides an erection) and he had to sign off.

[MF] [oral] [fant] BUS RIDE – the fantasy I have about the man in the front seat of the bus.

**You can view full the illustrated version of BUS RIDE at** [https://eroticprose.com/](https://eroticprose.com/)

I see him every week on this bus and have wanted to approach him for a long time. But I haven’t, because the only reason I’m interested in him is to fuck him, and I’d never betray my boyfriend to do it. If only he wasn’t living in another state right now…

So every week I sit a few seats behind him…he sits in one of the senior citizen seats and chats with the bus driver, so if I sit in the first seat that faces forward, I have a great view. It’s a long bus ride late at night, so we’re usually the only two on it, and he gets off only a few stops before I do.

When I get home, I go to bed and fantasize about having sex with him. First I prepare myself for bed, brushing my teeth, and washing my face just as I always do. I take off my clothes and get into bed, beginning to get excited by the feeling of the soft flannel sheet against my body. My right-hand snakes down to my pussy and starts its work, while my mind starts its fantasy.