[F] [F-solo] [1st-mast] MY FIRST ORGASM – I was breathing so fast, wanting whatever was going to happen to just happen. A sort of heat began to build between my legs, and my thighs began to shake. A beautiful sole masturbation erotic story.

**You can view full the illustrated version of MyY FIRST ORGASM at** [https://eroticprose.com/](https://eroticprose.com/)

One of my favorite masturbation memories is that of my first masturbation experience. I guess I was a late starter and it’s hard for me to figure out just what I knew about sex and masturbation at the time, and what I learned from the experience.

I know that I knew about sex and thought about it all the time. I knew sex was something I really wanted to experience, but other than that I hadn’t done much. I also knew that I knew that masturbation was having sex with yourself, but I didn’t really know how to do it. I had a general idea, but that’s it.

For some strange reason, as obsessed about learning about sex as I was, the idea of trying to masturbate just never occurred to me. If it had, I would have tried it in a second…

Well, one night I was in the bathtub. I have always preferred baths to showers because they are much more relaxing. Anyways, I wasted lots of time in the bath, relaxing in the warm water, playing with anything that would float, and whatever else I could come up with. I never did anything sexual in the bath; I just love the water and could spend forever in it.

[MF] [affair] SEX WITHOUT NAMES – A guy at a nightclub gets a pleasant surprise when he feels a hand on his ass. Car sex Literotica.

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Friday night is bar night for us single yuppies, and, I was out trolling, as usual. Mostly, I go home alone but sometimes I let a man pick me up. This Friday, I was working my way through the crowd, stopping to talk to everyone there. The men all looked the same in their tight pants and lacquered hair, the yuppie crowd on the prowl.

Then, I saw him sitting alone at the end of the bar.

He was unique in this urban setting of the twenties and thirties. I guess he was about fifty. His face was heavily tanned like leather from the sun which emphasized his sky blue eyes. He wore a long-sleeved western-style work shirt and a straw cowboy hat pitched back on his head. He was drinking a beer with his whole hand wrapped around the bottle’s long-neck. His eyes

watched lazily, seeing the crowd as if he were watching a herd of cattle from horseback.

[MF-cpls] [cheat] [swing] A CLOSET VIEW – It all started when a husband cheated on his wife, but unbeknownst to the husband, the wife was watching it all from their bedroom closet.

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I saw through the louvered closet door a sight that made my knees almost buckle. He’s taking her to our bed! I almost screamed out but managed to choke it to a whimper that was covered by the sagging of the bed. But, another part of me was getting wet and I had to see more.

Just then he reached in the nightstand, taking my semi-sweet strawberry oil out and pouring the warm liquid all over her almost too thin body. She’s moaning and groaning as he let his hands wander completely over her body, from her midsection, spreading the oil down her thighs to her toes. “Pop!” it’s a little toe cracking as he pulls on it.

Giggling, she’s stretching her long body, hands pushing the head-board, and pushes her feet to him. “Oh, my good god!” Rose screams.

“I wonder where they imagine I’ve gone?” I think as he’s working her feet almost to the point of pain.

[MF] [stangers] [size] – ANONYMOUS SEX – It was a chance encounter, however brief, where two strangers’ eyes meet in a public place, and without conscience or forethought of risk, they consider having strange, anonymous sex with one another. Sex with a stranger.

**You can view full the illustrated version of ANONYMOUS SEX at** [https://eroticprose.com/](https://eroticprose.com/)

At the grocery market, she noticed him shadowing her movements down the aisles. Upon second look, he was extremely attractive: tall, with wavy hair, great shoulders, a tight ass, and a sizeable bulge in his jeans, which made her ask herself whether it was all balls or mostly cock.

Upon reaching the snacks aisle, she studied the chocolate cookies, and after bending over low to get the ones she wanted, when she raised up, she brushed her hips up along his thigh and straight into his large bulge at his crotch, slightly and temporarily separating her ass-cheeks. It was a divine pleasure and sent a wave of tingles straight through her pussy, and

briefly making her nipples shiver.

“Oh, I’m so sorry.”

“The pleasure’s all mine. Say, you wouldn’t happen to know of a good cookie you could recommend along with a nearby hotel for the two of us for a couple of hours?”

The statement alone would be shocking if she had not wanted the same thing, only she wasn’t thinking so forwardly. She met his challenge.

[MMF} [wife-sharing] ACCIDENTAL STEP-BROTHER THREESOME – A step-brother and sister and her husband erotic story where a wild accident turns into a crazy and steamy threesome.

**You can view full the illustrated version of ACCIDENTAL STEP-BROTHER THREESOME at** [https://eroticprose.com/](https://eroticprose.com/)

My step-brother, Tom, worked with my husband. They were friends before I ever got married, always meeting after work and having a couple of beers. As a matter of fact, it was through Tom that I had met Doug. As time progressed, it seemed that the two of them were inseparable. In fact, Tom often spent the night, with the two of them going to work together the next morning, sharing the same car.

I came home from work one day, exhausted from a day dealing with dumb customers and stupid supervisors. I needed a shower very badly. I passed by the bathroom and heard the shower running. I opened the bathroom door and took off my clothes, intending to surprise my husband in the shower. Through the frosted glass door, I could see his fleshy form, and could even make out the dark patch of his pubic hair.

[MF] [oral] [rom] ROUTINE – A routine evening with the girl known online as HAK. She spends some time with her husband. Based on true events.

**You can view full the illustrated version of ROUTINE at** [https://eroticprose.com/](https://eroticprose.com/)

Routine. I’m sitting in my favorite chair, too soft for my husband but it’s perfect for me. Playing my DS. Stupid little game, trying to get my brain to match my body’s tiredness. A million things going through my mind. Little things. Checklists. Did this or that chore gets done? Did I remember to put gas in the car? What should I pull out of the freezer tomorrow for dinner? Routine.

And there’s the smell. My husband. He’s behind me. Smells so good. I pretend I don’t know he’s there, continue playing my game but really, I can’t focus on the screen. I feel his breath on my ear and then there’s a kiss on my neck, hot, wet. I shiver. I feel him smile against my skin and then he pulls away and says, “I’m going to bed, hon.”

This is the moment of our routine where I get to make a choice. Do I let him go to bed alone or do I go with him? So many questions rolled into that single statement. Was he just kissing me to be affectionate? Does he want to have sex? If he wants to have sex, will it be quick or slow? Do I want to have sex? A million little questions. Routine.

[MF] [wife-sharing] [intr] [rom] [alcohol] – ME IN THE DARK AND THE DARK IN ME – My first time with another man was a surprise encounter and hopefully won’t be the last.

**You can view full the illustrated version of ME IN THE DARK AND THE DARK IN ME at** [https://eroticprose.com/](https://eroticprose.com/)

My husband and I arrived at the party fashionably late.

John made the usual mock groans at having to wait for me to primp and preen. He stopped even pretending when he saw the results. I stepped out of the bathroom dressed in a white dress. The dress was a bit summery for this time of year, but even when it’s cold outside, people tend to overheat their homes here. I figured I could keep a jacket on if I get cold.

I’m not thin but not heavy. I’m told I wear my weight well. I must admit that I took longer than usual since I had a new hairstyle that I really wasn’t sure I liked. It reminded me too much of something from the ’80s. It was short enough to reveal my neck and curly dark red with blond highlights. It was perky and I thought I pulled it off well enough, but I still wasn’t sure. John made no complaints. He said it worked well with my very light complexion.

[MF] [teens] [youths] [movie-parody] NATIONAL LAMPOONS EROTIC EUROPEAN VACATION PARODY – The Griswald family gets ready to take Europe by storm.

**You can view full the illustrated version of NATIONAL LAMPOONS EROTIC EUROPEAN VACATION PARODY at** [https://eroticprose.com/](https://eroticprose.com/)

Chapter 1: Leaving for Europe

The Griswold family just won a huge game show “The Pig in the Poke” and ended up with a free trip to Europe. Clark had planned their route and they would be leaving in the morning. The kids were not overly excited about spending a vacation with their parents.

It was the night before they were taking off and Audrey was in her room saying goodbye to her boyfriend Jack. They were an odd couple in that Jack was your typical all American stud and Audrey, though cute, was a little chubby and plain. As Jack looked down on Audrey bobbing on his cock, he remembered why he dated her… plus of course, he cheated so what did it matter.

“Oh Jack I’m going to miss you so much,” Audrey said as she took a breath from the blowjob. She engulfed his 8-inch cock again looking up at him while she deep throated. That’s one of the reasons Jack kept her around. She bobbed her head up and down faster and faster, momentarily gagging herself every once in a while.

[MF] [rom] HELPING THE HOMELESS ON THANKSGIVING – A world-weary woman finds something she didn’t expect on Thanksgiving Day.

**If you like images to go with your story you can click for the illustrated version of this HELPING THE HOMELESS ON THANKSGIVING in the comments below. Enjoy…**

I hate Thanksgiving. I live all alone and every year on Thanksgiving Day I work at a homeless shelter until I’m about ready to drop from exhaustion, then as I’m leaving the facility I pick one of the men, usually a younger type, and invite him home.

I hate Thanksgiving so much that fucking the brains out of some strange grubby homeless guy just seems right to me. My psychologist says that I have a “self-loathing” issue and that may be so, but I don’t really care what he says. It fills a deep-down need in me.

I only have sex once a year, on Thanksgiving Day, and always with some drunken smelly guy who probably won’t even remember who he had sex with by morning. He might not even realize that he had sex at all. But I would know, and I always made sure that they orgasmed and I always rubbed their spunk all over my tits and lick it from my fingers.

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[MF] [wife] [cheat] HEADACHE – A pretty young wife is prone to migraine headaches and the only cure is lots of aspirin and making violent love to her husband. But when hubby has to leave on a business trip what is the girl to do? An absent husband erotic story.

**You can view full the illustrated version of HEADACHE at** [https://eroticprose.com/](https://eroticprose.com/)

I met Wendy at work, she was a legal intern and she instantly knocked me off my feet. I fell for Wendy hard. She was one of the most beautiful women I’d ever seen, with dark blonde hair and a dark tan. Her athletic body and eager outlook on life were just icing on the cake, so to speak.

For some reason, Wendy, who was 25, took a shine to me even though I had just turned 44 that April. After our relationship became physical, she confided in me that she had always liked older men and that I was her ideal man; that she’d gotten wet in anticipation of what might come, the very first time we met. Wendy was always saying things like that; it was part of her charm for me.

The one shadow in our relationship was Wendy’s headaches, she had them at least once a month and they were horrendous, totally immobilizing. It worried me to no end; I made her go to a legion of doctors, trying to find the cause.