[MF] [mast] [first] CAUGHT BY HER PARENTS – Simply put, the day I got caught being jerked off by my girl’s dad!

**You can view the illustrated version of CAUGHT BY HER PARENTS at** [https://eroticprose.com/](https://eroticprose.com/)

Okay, here’s the story. A girl named Candice and I had known each other for about two months when the event occurred. We’d both just turned 18 and had met down at the local public swimming pool one day over the summer, and we hit it off instantly.

Candice has long straight light red hair, green eyes is about 5’6″, and weighs around 120lbs. She isn’t really like a super-model or anything, but she has a smile that turned my knees to water when it was aimed in my direction. She’s awesome…

Anyway, school started about two weeks after we met. We both went to the same school, so I gave her a ride in the mornings and she usually went home with one of her friends in the afternoon. We really got to like each other as more than just friends. We started going to movies, out to eat, to school events, etc, as the school year moved on.

[MF] [step-inc] STEP-BROTHER GROWS UP – This is the story when I first noticed my step-brother had turned into a man.

**You can view the illustrated version of STEP-BROTHER GROWS UP at** [https://eroticprose.com/](https://eroticprose.com/)

I hated my younger step-brother the whole time we were growing up together. He was two years my junior, and his whole life seemed devoted to trying to drive me around the bend. As a little kid, he used to pull the heads off all my dolls or give them crewcuts when I wasn’t around to stop him.

When we were older, he used to spy on me, trying to catch a glimpse of me naked. His favorite stunt was to sneak into the bathroom when I was in the shower. I caught him several times, as he peeked around the edge of the shower curtain, getting an eyeful. The happiest day of my life was when I finally got to go away to college.

When I came home this year for summer vacation, my step-brother had just turned nineteen. To be quite honest, I hadn’t wanted to spend the summer at home, but I couldn’t find a job in the small town where my school was located. I needed money, so I didn’t have much choice.

[MF] [f-solo] [voy] [exh] THE NEW APARTMENT – A highly charged piece of Literotica about an exhibitionist, a couple of voyeurs, and a promise of things to come.

**You can view the illustrated version of THE NEW APARTMENT at** [https://eroticprose.com/](https://eroticprose.com/)

Having the right neighbors can stimulate showing off.

We moved in late May and looked forward to the coming hot weather. Tom got some friends of his from work to help us move everything into our new apartment quickly.

The complex was set up with four units in each building and a courtyard between each. They were actually townhouses with master bedrooms on the second level. The windows in our neighbor’s bedroom would have a view of a small portion of our courtyard. We set up our outdoor table and chairs so they would be in the visible part of the courtyard and the two lounges in the more private area.

The second weekend we were there was one of those perfect for sunbathing. Tom had gone out to play golf with a few of his friends and I wanted to start working on my tan. I went out into the courtyard and placed the chair for the maximum sun and decided I wanted to have a few wine coolers to sip as I sweated away. I had to run to the nearest store to get them. As I was leaving I noticed a couple entering the townhouse next to ours.

[MF] [hair] [fetish] KRISTEN’S CONVERSATION – A shaving erotic story with a twist.

**You can view the illustrated version of KRISTEN’S CONVERSATION at** [https://eroticprose.com/](https://eroticprose.com/)

Kristen read: “When it came to the shaving, I savored the moment as long as possible. Jamie was thrilled with my work, and so was I. But soon it was

over. Jamie’s naturally brunette stubble had disappeared.”

“Well, what do you think?” Joshua asked with a gigantic grin on his face. Kristen was not as pleased.

“I . . . I . . . I can’t believe you had me read this trash!” she screamed, stunning her boyfriend. “A girl getting her head shaved bald by her boyfriend? Oh, come on! This is totally stupid! How could a girl with any self-respect or self-esteem let her boyfriend shave her bald on a whim? It’s nuts! Doesn’t the girl take into account that other people might see her and think she’s a skinhead or something? And this writer has absolutely no style whatsoever! How can anyone read this shit?”

“I dunno, I thought the writer had a real flair for his subject,” Joshua smirked. He could see that Kristen was obviously not amused. He redoubled his efforts. “Anyway, read the next one. Trust me, it gets better.”

[MF] [oral] [sleep] IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT – How I like to please my man in the middle of the night… any myself.

**You can view the illustrated version of IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT at** [https://eroticprose.com/](https://eroticprose.com/)

He looks so peaceful sleeping next to me, his face relaxed, his chest rising and falling gently with each breath. What a beautiful man… My eyes slide over him from the tip of his dark head down to where I know his cock is under the sheets.

I hold my breath as I feel the familiar rush of sexual arousal, laughing silently to myself at the fact that I WOULD have to feel frisky in the middle of the night, while he is in the otherworld of dreams. Too bad…

But wait a minute, I have this sexy man lying here in my bed, so why shouldn’t I take advantage of it? Granted, he’s sleeping, but that can be fixed. Grinning mischievously, I move until I am seated over his stomach. Leaning over, trying to be as quiet as possible, I kiss his neck, my tongue slipping warmly over him.

He doesn’t even stir. I thread my hands through his hair and slowly breathe into his ear, knowing how much he likes that when he is awake. Sliding down a little bit, I begin to suck and lick his nipples into little pointy peaks.

[F-solo] [voy] [mast] HOME ALONE – A true story of an attempt to surprise my wife when finishing early. What a surprise I had…

**You can view the illustrated version of HOME ALONE at** [https://eroticprose.com/](https://eroticprose.com/)

Wednesday, 1:23 PM. It had been a long time since Jim had taken an afternoon off. He thought it would be nice to surprise his wife with a midweek lunch. As he drove home he noticed how different the neighborhood looked when everyone was at work. Pulling into the driveway, James wondered what his wife really did all day when she is home alone.

He decided to sneak into the house as quietly as possible so he could catch the look of shock on her face when he surprised her. As he slipped into the house, he noticed a pair of pink panties lying on the floor in the front hall. Jim bent down to pick them up and noticed that the silky underwear was very damp in a certain area. He sniffed at the crotch, he knew that scent. That was not the scent of a woman doing housework, that was the scent Lisa only had when she was very excited. The first thought he had was I have to make these afternoon visits a lot more often!

[FF] [exh] [oral] AMY BUYS A NEW DRESS – An erotic story of one of Ann and my little trips out to the mall.

**You can view the illustrated version of AMY BUYS A NEW DRESS at** [https://eroticprose.com/](https://eroticprose.com/)

I rode my bike to the mall with great excitement. I had the greatest time with Anne at the pool the week before and we have so much in common, you wouldn’t believe it. Most important is that we both like to show-off our bodies. I never thought I would actually meet and play with anyone who likes to do that. It’s so much more fun to do it along with someone else.

We met by the waterfall just as planned. She was wearing a sleeveless dress about 4 inches from the knee and she looked beautiful. She showed me how, when she moved her arms, you can catch a great view of her boobs and nipples. I’ve done the same thing, but I always wondered how it looked to the person! I saw her do it a few times in stores. It is fun to watch the kids’ reactions. They end up following her around hoping for another shot. We went into the first clothing store we found and she pulled out a dress and we went into the dressing room. She told me to just watch her. She pulled off her dress and stood there in her shoes. I hadn’t notice before that she didn’t have on panties either and she looked so appealing. She slid her hands around her boobs and pushed them in and then squeezed and pulled her nipples.

[MF] WENDY THE HORNY CHEERLEADER – How I managed to finally bag Wendy, the hottest cheerleader of all. Cheerleader Literotica.

**You can view the illustrated version of WENDY THE HORNY CHEERLEADER at** [https://eroticprose.com/](https://eroticprose.com/)

My senior year of high school was a year of sexual highlights, the best of which happened with Wendy. She was a big girl, not fat but big, she stood about 5 foot 11 inches with blond short hair and nice sized tits. I had known her for quite a while, and we were friends. About the second month of school, while in English class I looked up and noticed that Wendy was looking right at me and licking her lips, she was wearing that jism white lipstick and her tongue ran across her lips and teeth.

When she saw me she looked away, but I kept staring. She started to write but as she did she opened her legs, her mini-skirt rising over thighs and I could make out red, the bottom of her panties. As I kept watching she spread her legs wider, dropped her hand into her lap, and slowly ran it up the inside of her knee, up to where the skirt ended. I was getting an erection, watching her caress her thigh, now in a rhythmic motion, a smile overcame her face as she looked over at me and licked her lips again.

[MF] [rom] THANK YOU – A sensual and sexual romantic encounter with a stranger resulting in the most explosive orgasm of this young lady’s life…

**You can view the illustrated version of THANK YOU at** [https://eroticprose.com/](https://eroticprose.com/)

I entered the darkened room, uncertain as to what to expect. I could hear the sound of a low bass beat from the apartment above, but other than that there was no other noise. I hesitated for a few moments and turned around to exit through the very door I had entered through only seconds before.

“Wait,” came the voice through the darkness. “Why are you leaving?”

I stopped and tried to catch my breath before answering. “I’m not sure I should have come here at all.” I hated that my voice sounded so shaky and small. “I told you before; I don’t usually do things like this.”

“But you want to, right?”

I couldn’t deny that. My mind traveled back to just two nights previous, when I sat at the bar, alone, drinking my rum and coke and looking at the dancers on the floor as they gyrated to the music. I had subconsciously been swaying with the beat of the music when the same voice that was speaking to me now had interrupted my thoughts to ask me to dance. I had simply nodded, and without even looking to see who had offered the invitation, I had led him onto the dance floor.

[MFF] [voy] SKIING HOLIDAY – A chance encounter of a coupling couple turns into a very cool threesome.

**You can view full the illustrated version of SKIING HOLIDAY at** [https://eroticprose.com/](https://eroticprose.com/milf-literotica/)

It was a stunning start to the day Sarah thought as the powder snow rolled down the hill following her trail in the virgin snow. Not that she had any idea where she was in this tall pine forest or even that it mattered, as it was certain that eventually she would leave the forest or stumble across some landmark or maybe even spot the chair-lift that had taken her up here.

Sure enough, a few minutes later the trees thinned out to reveal a small clearing with an old mountain hut just off to the right-hand edge with surprisingly some skis propped up outside the door. Being an inquisitive person Sarah came to a halt in front of the hut in a flurry of snow sending a fine mist up into the shining sky. Breathlessly she undid the bindings on her boots and planted her ski’s in the snow while wondering who would stop here on a morning such as this. Deciding that she shouldn’t stand about all day she moved over to the hut door but stopped still when a familiar low moaning sound started coming from the direction of the hut.