Encounter [FM][F30][M20][Unconsent][Zombie]

Start of a zombie apocalypse. Zombies infect humans through sex. Humans can be infected if they come in contact with fluids from a zombie’s cum, juice from the vagina, breast milk, or saliva. No cure yet for the disease. If you become infected, please kill yourself.

A few hours after midnight I was on my way to the restroom when I heard moans and groans coming from the hallway towards the bathroom. “What’s that?” I asked myself as I continued walking into the dark corridor which led to the men’s room. There were two doors on either side of me but before I could reach the first one there was a loud moan and then some heavy breathing. The second door opened quickly and a man stumbled out of it. He had a huge erection and his face was all red and sweaty. His eyes were bloodshot and he looked like a junkie who just got high for the first time.