Need help finding a specific erotica

So i need help finding this erotica i found a while back, and i’ve completely forgotten the name. Basically, it is about a man/widower who ends up seducing his next door neighbor and her daughter. She has other daughters but he doesn’t end up seducing any of them, though he may have had sex with the second oldest? I don’t quite remember.

It has like 8 to 10 parts to it, and it starts with the man seeing his niext-door nieghbor’s husband screaming at and abusing the eldest daughter and wife then drags them into the house. He goes over to investigate and finds all the doors locked but hears screaming. He ends up kicking down the door and finds the husband and 2 friends raping the eldest daughter and wife. He, using martial arts, beats all 3 of them and has them arrested by the police. The series then basically just follows the man around as he first seduces the eldest daughter then the wife and they just have a bunch of random adventures that end up with them having sex a whole shit ton (obviously). In the end he ends up marrying both the wife and the daughter through some legal loophole or something i forget exactly.