Slut Wife, Taboo Life Pt.2 [cuck/NTR] [Cheating] [Incest] [his/her POV]

The Next Day

Heather was at school and then she was going out with Lindsay after, Jared was working late, and I was watching daytime tv, bored out of my mind. I wanted to get a job or something but with this living situation being temporary, it didn’t make sense. Jared talked about finding me something at his work, although it didn’t seem like it was happening.

I cracked a bottle of Riesling and started doing some mid-day drinking. It helped make Judge Judy seem more like a comedy instead of a sad view of the world we live in.

*Knock knock*

I was a little confused as I looked at the door. We hadn’t had a single visitor or anything since we arrived here. I headed to the door to see the concierge of the building standing there with a white box wrapped with a red ribbon.

“This came for you Mrs. Williams.” The concierge said as he handed me the elegant looking box.

I closed the door and flopped back on the couch as I examined the mysterious package. There was a typed card.

Slut Wife, Taboo Life [cuck/NTR] [cheating] [incest] [his pov] [her pov]

Slut Wife Taboo Life

Island of Temptation

Lindsay Miller

Smashwords Edition

Copyright 2021 Lindsay Miller

Smashwords Edition, License Notes

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Day 1

“Are you sure your work is going to be fine with this? I don’t know why but, I just have this bad feeling,” My wife Jessica asked, seeming a little worried as she packed her suitcase.

“Ya, babe. Don’t worry so much. It’s a free extended vacation. Not like they said I couldn’t have you with me,” I replied.

Famous last words and the irony is I was the one that should have been worried. There was no way I could have seen the landslide of events that were coming and crashing down on my life, changing everything… even myself…

The family business pt 2/2 [ Incest M/F/d/s, blackmail, orgy, pregnancy]

(One month later)

The contracts were signed, but the transfer of funds had not happened yet. DynoTec did, however, create enough purchase orders to keep the bank at bay for a while longer.

Today was the day the Miller’s headed to Miami. Mark had received the itinerary for the week-long business trip, and it seemed like it would be more vacation, than meetings. Everyone was relieved by this because the stresses of everything had been taking its toll.

Everyone but Lindsay. She was always glowing, and bubbly. Unfortunately, due to overbooking, they were not all able to with each other on the plane. Sarah and Dylan sat together while Mark, and Lindsay, sat a few rows back.

“Hey, daddy?” Lindsay asked.

“Yes, sweetie?” Mark replied.

“Have you noticed that mom and Dylan have been a little… different lately?”

“Different how?”

“I dunno, just… different,” Lindsay said trying to find her words.

“They seem the same as usual to me,” Mark replied. Although he had certainly noticed. He couldn’t tell Lindsay that though. Sarah and Dylan have been spending a lot of time together. More than they did before that day at the office anyway.

The family business pt 1/2 [ Incest M/F/d/s, blackmail, orgy, pregnancy]

What do you do when you are on the verge of losing everything? How desperate can you get, and what would you be willing to do if someone offered you a golden ticket to fix it all?

“It doesn’t look good,” said Marks accountant.

“Well, what can I do?” Mark said with a defeated tone.

“I think it’s time you put your house on the market and start liquidating your assets, but even that won’t be enough. You are deep in the hole Mark.”

Mark looked at his wife Sarah, who was almost in tears as she listened in on the conversation.

“Okay, thanks Tim,” Mark said as he hung up the phone.

“What are we going to do?” Sarah said, trying to dab her tears with a tissue.

Mark just sighed and stared off at a picture of his family at the beach, that was sitting on his desk.

Mark Miller and his wife Sarah inherited a family auto parts business from Mark’s father, who had already passed. The company had always been successful and was growing, until this year.

Couples Yoga [cheating, cuckold, oblivious husband, sneaky, MF]

“God this traffic is brutal,” I though to myself as I sat on the highway not moving anywhere. “I’m going to be late if this doesn’t let up soon.”

I was on my way to meet my friend Lindsay and was already late. She is a co-worker that has tried to convince me for months to come to yoga with her. To be fair tho I have always wanted to try it but have never had the time. Between work and setting up my new house, I barely had time to breathe. 

Today though the contractors were doing a big renovation on the kitchen so I couldn’t go home anyway. My husband Adam watches too much tv and was convinced that buying a “fixer upper” house was the way to go. So life at home has been a non stop construction zone.

We were college sweet hearts and decided to get married a year after we finished school. Maybe we rushed it a bit but I loved him so I didn’t care. Life seemed to be going nowhere but up. We both got amazing jobs and started building our life just the way I pictured it. Life was good…

Aside from this stupid traffic!!!

[b/s] [M/F/s/d] Parents Swingers Party [ incest, group sex, double penetration, sneaky]

“Linds, don’t forget you guys have to go out tonight!” My mom shouted from downstairs before heading out the front door.

It was that time again that I never understood. My parents threw a party once every couple of months and would kick my brother and I out of the house. They never told us anything about it but the house always smelled funny after and was usually a mess. Covered in weird masks and shit.

They used to send us to stay at our grandparent’s place but since they moved to a retirement home that was no longer an option. The last few times mom even booked us a hotel for the night. At first it was kinda fun. My brother Dylan and I would order a bunch of crap from room service including some booze and make the best of it.

Dylan was getting weird though. Last time I woke up with him spooning me. I didn’t really mind that much but it felt a little weird. Especially because we were naked… We drank way too much that night and I didn’t even remember what happened. All I knew was it was an awkward morning. Dylan said he didn’t remember anything either but… I could always tell when he was lying and he was most certainly lying about that.

Wife’s office parts reveals… [ Warning! This is a cuck story ] [ cheating, double penetration, cuck, party ]

Warning! Most men won’t like this story. If you don’t like cheating slutty wives stop right here. You have been warned so please don’t leave me stupid comments. If you read this and hate it then it’s your own fault.

This is probably my most popular story which is weird because I did it from the male perspective and I suck at it. I don’t know how to make the male character … Usable.

Anyway this is very controversial topic.

Again tho this is my most popular story and most of the people that love it the most are the ones that hate it the most. I don’t understand that but whatever.



My wife, Sarah, started working as a secretary for a hedge fund company about a year ago. She seemed to love this job so much because she was always glowing whenever she talked about it. Her last job was hell for her. She would often come home crying because her boss was such an asshole, so I was happy that she found something better at first. When I found out why she liked it so much however… well… you will see.

New client is my dad ch1 pt2/2 [father, daughter, taboo, office, boss]

(The next morning)

*Beep beep beep*

What the fuck! I thought to myself as I reached over and grabbed my phone. I looked at it to see a text from Mark.

“Need you now! Get to the office asap.”

“Ugh…” I groaned as I fell out of bed and started getting ready.

I threw on a black pleated mini skirt and a white halter top. I finished it off with some black thigh high socks and a pair of black suede high heeled boots.

I hopped in my car and headed to the office as fast as possible. When I arrived Mark was in his office while a bunch of men waited in the board room.

“Good you are here! I need you to get legal up here asap and tell them to bring everything they have on the Synergy account,” Mark said.

“Yes Mr. Olsen,” I responded as I quickly went to do as instructed.

I had never heard of Synergy before. They must be new I thought to myself.

New client is my dad ch1 pt1/2 [father, daughter, taboo, office, boss]


I rolled over and reached for my phone so that I can shut off my alarm.

Thank god it’s Friday, I thought to myself as I laid back on the bed.

Unable to even open my eyes yet, I rolled over on my husband’s chest being cautious not to let myself fall back asleep. Just in case though, I always have three alarms set on my phone…

Yeah… I’m not a morning person.

My husband Neil wrapped his arm around me and pulled me tighter against him as he kissed my forehead.

“One more day,” Neil said.

I merely nodded in agreement while at the same time trying to snuggle in a little tighter.

Neil and I have been married for a couple of years. We met in college and instantly fell in love. We kind of rushed into life, but I wasn’t complaining. He was a sweet, loving, handsome and successful husband that every girl would chase after. He only had eyes for me though sooo… Jackpot!

A Highschool Affair [teacher, student, cheating, caught, straight, lesbian] 2/2

*Switch to Lindsay*

I followed Mrs. Taylor to her car. The cool breeze flowed up under my skirt and over my moist skin. The sensation gave me chills, but not as bad as the chills of the current situation. I had no idea what to expect or how much trouble I was in. I didn’t understand why she wanted to drive me home. All I could think was, is she going to tell my parents?  

Though I felt guilty about what I had done, mostly I was disappointed. Mr. Taylor made me feel so amazing, and now it was all fading away. Just like all of my favorite black t-shirts. Except instead of t-shirts it’s my sex life.

Despite all my emotions, I still found it odd that Mrs. Taylor was holding my underwear in her hands. I was more than capable of carrying them myself. 

We entered the car and Mrs. Taylor let out a large sigh before resting her head on the steering wheel. 

“Are you okay?” I asked trying to be supportive. Also slightly concerned that this emotionally unstable woman might not be okay to drive in her current state.