About a year and a half after the first time I jerked off with another dude I got the itch to do it again. I ran into some really hot porn of a guy who brought home another dude with a significantly larger dick for his girlfriend and she LOVED it. I wanted to be that guy, but I was also dating a woman who was not cool with me fucking other women and I didn’t want to breach that. Hers was the only pussy for my 7.75in intact cock, at least at that time.
So what does a guy do in that situation? Jerk off to Craigslist ads (yes, this was a while back) looking for people like me, of course! I came across ads for tons of guys that wanted a bigger cock for their wife or GF and I usually just ended up swapping a few cock pics with them and then the emails would die out once I asked to talk to her. I would have flaked had any actually been legit, but my GF didn’t have any problem with flirting so I figured at the least it could be hot.