Lechomancer Curses 8: Submission [femdom][lesbian][toys][oral]

Ashlynn was almost leering at Amber. “Ready?” Ashlynn was waiting by the door in a short trench coat, her legs bare despite the fact that it was November. She looked like a flasher, and Amber wouldn’t have been surprised if her roommate was naked underneath.

“No,” Amber sulked, her hands in the pockets of her jeans.

“Is that what you’re wearing?” Ashlynn asked.

Amber had on peach button up shirt on over her jeans, just normal clothes for a normal day. She wasn’t going to give Lisa the satisfaction. She shrugged, and grabbed her coat. She stepped out of their dorm and headed down the stairs.

It was a few blocks walk to Lisa’s, and Amber was in step behind Ashlynn, who seemed to thrive on the attention every man they passed lavished her with. Not only was the coat so short it barely covered the curve of her ass, Ashlynn had also buttoned it so that her cleavage blossomed out the front. Amber could see the goosebumps all over Ashlynn’s exposed skin. Ashlynn showed no signs of noticing.

Lechomancer Curses 7: Too Little Too Late [MMF][Sex][Anal][Oral][Paranormal]

After having to walk across a strange city, freshly fucked and wearing nothing but a hooded sweatshirt with a broken zipper, Amber couldn’t wait to get inside. It didn’t help that her only garment was too shirt, so if she held the hoodie closed, her ass peaked out the bottom. She also wasn’t sure how she felt about the fact that she was turned on by wandering around nude. She was on the edge of safety now though. She had made it to the motor inn her university volleyball team was booked at, and all she had to do was get her room key and she could get to her bag, get dressed, and put this whole weird day behind her.

In the hotel, she went up to the front desk. The guy working there was young, probably a local university student himself. Amber walked up to the counter with the front of the hoodie closed, and tried to act normal. “Amber Simmons,” she told him, not quite looking him in the eye. “I’m with the Volleyball team.”

Lechomancer Curses 6: The Game [mf] [public] [oral] [sex]

Amber kept her headphones in and pretended to play with her phone. She could hear the other girls on the university volleyball team snickering. Someone knew that she had let a stranger fuck her in the rest stop bathroom, and the rumour had scorched through the bus like a wildfire.

She saw the business card sitting on top of her bag, the one Lisa had given her, which showed only a phone number. She was supposed to call it when she was ready to surrender.

Amber looked at it for a long moment. What was happening to her, it was getting worse. It had been embarrassing the week before, when she’d lost it at the game. This, on the bus, this was worse.

…but then again, she’d gotten away with cumming on the big screen in the gym, in front of hundreds, if not thousands of people, and no one had noticed. She’d followed that up with an intense orgasm in the locker room, with some phantom lover. The guy from her psych class, who she hadn’t seen before or since, had fucked her and then she’d walked past a bunch of people who knew why they had been looked out of the room. She was ashamed, but it was also a turn on. All those people, they kind of knew. They didn’t really know, all the details, all the dirty things she’d done on the professor’s desk in that lecture hall.

Lechomancer Curses Chapter 5: Doubling Down [m/f][oral][sex][masterbation][paranormal]

It was 2:59 in the morning, and Lisa sat nervously by the strange blue door on the second floor of her townhouse. Its gothic relief pulsed with energy. She had only gone through it twice. Once, she hadn’t been invited, and her Master had punished her. The last time had been earlier in the week, when she first summoned a demon to break Amber’s will. It hadn’t been enough, so she was about to do it for the second time.

The numbers on the phone in her had flipped over to 3:00 AM, and she jumped up from her chair. She heard the latch on the door click, and watched it slowly open. Erostopholes stood on the Other Side, in a hallway that was an exact reflection to the one on her second story. Tonight, he looked almost human, in a dark grey dress shirt and well cut slacks, but his skin was a deeper blue than the door. A demon tail swished behind him, and two black, twisted horns rose from his hair. He smiled his half smile at Lisa, and motioned her through the door.

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Lechomancer Curses 4: Breaking the Girl [mf][sex][public]

Monday was a long day of classes, and after the exhausting weekend Amber had had, she was ready to go home and collapse. The University Dorm she shared with a girl she’d never met before they started living together was made up a small living room with uncomfortable university issue furniture, a little kitchenette, two bedrooms and a shared bathroom. Her roommate, Ashlynn, had been a weird, quiet girl who was too full of herself, but generally stayed out of Amber’s way. That suited Amber fine, especially after she found out Ashlynn was some kind of pervert, into being dominated.

Amber just wanted to avoid her, go to her room, and unwind. She got into the suite, closed the door, and then her heart hit the floor. She was there; the short, curvy woman that Ashlynn called Mistress. Her dark hair curled slightly around her face, and she was sheathed in a black mini-dress. She wore big red heals, that looked like they belonged on a stripper. She was sprawled out on the couch, flipping slowly through the pages of some big old book.

“What are you doing here?” Amber found herself hissing.

Lechomancer Curses 3: Sympathy for the Devil [mf][oral][sex][paranormal][public]

When she walked home from work, Lisa was surprised to see Ashlynn pacing in front of her house. Sure, the younger woman craved Lisa’s attention, and was completely submissive to her desires, but this was different. Usually, Ashlynn wanted to be dominated. Most of their time together started when Ashlyn called, and begged be allowed to come over and please Lisa, or she would show up on Lisa’s doorstep, and plead to be dominated. Today, she looked worried and not at all her herself.

Instead of her usual harsh tone, Lisa walked up to her and said, “Ashlynn, is everything alright?”

Ashlynn turned, surprised, and nervously chewed her lip for a second. “Can we talk? Inside?”

“Of course, sweetie,” Lisa said, guiding the taller woman into her townhouse with a hand on the small of her back. Inside, she put on the kettle and made them both tea. Ashlynn watched her nervously, guiltily looking down whenever Lisa made eye contact.

After she finally took a sip from her steaming mug, Ashlynn almost whispered, “My roommate caught me…”

“Caught you what?”

Lechomancer Curses Chapter 2: Open to Suggestion[public][mind control][toys][paranormal] [mmmf][gangbang]

Lisa and Josh were re-shelving books in the back of the library on a Tuesday morning, and Lisa found herself bored. Work had become extremely boring in the last few months, and she had come to enjoy pushing Josh around, seeing what he would let her get away with, and teasing him whenever she started to go too far. After she had sent him the video of Vivian, screaming out an orgasm on her coffee table, Josh had been pretty accommodating.

She grabbed a book and slipped past him, purposefully sticking her ass out, as she walked by him, rubbing herself against his jeans. “Sorry,” she said. “Just slipping by you. Anyways, I was thinking that, maybe, it would be cool if I took Friday off. Does that work for you?”

“Oh hell no!” came a shriek from the end of the aisle where Josh and Lisa were standing. Tammy, a scrawny little thing that usually knew enough to stay out of Lisa’s way stood there, shaking with fury. “You cannot give her Friday off! I have seniority! If anyone should get Friday off, it should be me, not that skank!”

Lisa cracked her neck. “Excuse me?”

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Lechomancer Chapter 4.5: Not Alone [mf][oral][public][sex]

It was a slow day, and Lisa found herself bored that cold Thursday afternoon. Not that she had done much work since she found the book, but she liked it busy. She liked that Tammy and Linda never asked her for help, because she could stare them down. She liked bossing around Josh, her boss, sending him on errands while she played on the internet, flashing him a quick smile or a little leg to keep him off her case.

But today, there was nothing. Linda sat at the front desk, flipping through a dog eared book she pulled out of her purse. Josh was pretending to clean his desk, but every time Lisa glanced up at him, his eyes shot down. She assumed it was because he was staring at her cleavage, in the low v cut scarlet sweater she was wearing, but she wasn’t even having fun teasing him.

Lechomancer Curses Chapter 1: The First Curse [MF] [oral] anal]

Lisa was admittedly paying less attention as she should have as she rushed out between two cars to cross her street in the middle that morning. Her neighbourhood was usually quiet, and when the BMW charged down the street, she was caught like a deer in the headlights. Moments before it hit her, someone tackled her to the ground, in the slushy street. The car whizzed by inches away.

She looked up, happy to see Erostopholes, currently in his human form, handsome and smiling his half smile. “You are okay, aren’t you pet?”

“Yes,” she said, standing up, looking at the ruined white pants she was wearing. “But that fucker just about killed me.”

“Come inside,” he said. “We may be able to do something about this.

Taylor screamed when those strange eyes appeared in her rear-view mirror. Purple skin surrounded golden eyes, glaring at her hungrily. She accidently stomped on the gas. Then she looked at the street, and she would have hit the girl crossing if someone hadn’t knocked her out of the way. She didn’t need this today, so she kept going, hurrying to work.

Lechomancer Chapter 9: Punishment [mmmmfff][gangbang][bmsd]

Lisa had seen her Master in a demonic form before, but not the way he appeared on the Otherside of the Blue Door. He was eight feet tall, and draconic wings grew out of his back. His blue skin was glowing darkly, and his horns nearly scrapped against the ceiling.

She gulped, and wished he was smaller, or more human, as he strode angrily toward her. He grabbed the back of her neck and led her back down the hallway, through the mystic door that lead into her own townhouse. The stern fingers clamped on her neck sent a strange rush of joy down her body, but she knew better than to smile or moan happily while Erostopholes was so visibly upset.

He led her into her bedroom, and pushed her to the floor. He had to stoop on this side, and he towered over her, glowering. “Do you know what could have happened to you over there?”

“I was fine, Master. Mike wasn’t …”

“Mike was the least of your worries,” he growled. “But apparently, you don’t listen, do you slut?”

“No Master,” she found herself purring. “I’m a slut and I don’t listen.”

Categorized as Erotica