Lechomancer Chapter 9: Punishment [mmmmfff][gangbang][bmsd]

Lisa had seen her Master in a demonic form before, but not the way he appeared on the Otherside of the Blue Door. He was eight feet tall, and draconic wings grew out of his back. His blue skin was glowing darkly, and his horns nearly scrapped against the ceiling.

She gulped, and wished he was smaller, or more human, as he strode angrily toward her. He grabbed the back of her neck and led her back down the hallway, through the mystic door that lead into her own townhouse. The stern fingers clamped on her neck sent a strange rush of joy down her body, but she knew better than to smile or moan happily while Erostopholes was so visibly upset.

He led her into her bedroom, and pushed her to the floor. He had to stoop on this side, and he towered over her, glowering. “Do you know what could have happened to you over there?”

“I was fine, Master. Mike wasn’t …”

“Mike was the least of your worries,” he growled. “But apparently, you don’t listen, do you slut?”

“No Master,” she found herself purring. “I’m a slut and I don’t listen.”

“You think you’re cute?” he roared at her, and she decided not to state the fact that right now, she did feel rather cute. Vulnerable, sure, and she knew she should be worried about what he would do next, but she found the idea exciting more than anything. She supressed a smile as her hand lazily ran up and down her thigh. She licked her lips, and he snorted.

He picked her up off the floor, and sat on the bed, throwing her over his knee. She squealed happily, and then his hand thundered through the air and swatted her ass. It sent a painful jolt of ecstasy through her, and she yelped. He smacked her again and again, faster, reddening her bottom, and the pleasure outweighed the pain. The cold air began to sting when he stopped, and she turned to look at him, to beg him for another.

“Vivian,” he said sternly, and Lisa realized one of her pets was in the room, on the far side of the bed. It appeared Viv had been hiding when she and the Master came in. She bowed slightly to him, and he said “Bring me her Vials of Essence. All of them.”

In her nightstand, Lisa had about ten little glass bottles of the demonic liquid, which acted as both a lubricant and an aphrodisiac. She used them most often on her pets, Vivian and Ashlynn, so Vivian knew exactly where it was stored. She brought the Vials, and the Master took them and uncorked them with his teeth. He poured the viscous liquid into his hand, and let it seep between his fingers. He showed her the thick, clinging strands as he pulled the fingers apart, and then they were out of sight.

Two long, oversized digits thrust firmly between her legs, up into her pussy. The liquid made them warm, and they sent a tingling all through her. As he continued to push in, deeper and deeper, she realized something was wrong.

It was too intense. He had barely started on her, and she was on the edge of orgasm. “Wh… what?” was all she could get out. She found herself panting, and blushing.

“You are used to being somewhat immune to Essence, aren’t you, bitch? But you disobeyed me, broke our Covenant, and so your protections are void.

Lisa tried to focus on the words, but nothing was so important as squirming back against his thrusting fingers. He started to pull out, and she desperately tried to press herself back against him. He began to tease her, keeping his sticky, amazing fingers just out of reach, and when she tried to squirm back, he’d pull away, or push her down into his lap, so she couldn’t move, chuckling cruelly. Then, after far too long, he would begin to tease her again, gently pushing inside her outer lips, slipping his fingers into her.

“Vivian,” the Demon said softly, as he started to push in a little deeper, pull out, and push in a little deeper still, “Please go to the door. Your Succubi has something for you there.” Lisa was breathing in quick gasps by the time Viv returned, and the only thing that caught her attention at first was that the Master had removed his fingers.

Then she saw what Viv had brought. It was a metal pole, about three feet long, with a leather collar in the centre, and cuffs at either end. The Master pushed her out of the lap, and onto the floor. She scrambled to kneel before him, her hands on his powerful thighs. While he still glared at her, his thick, long cock was hard, pointing at her. She found herself panting, trying to breathe on it, her mouth open, hoping he would let her kiss it, stroke it with her tongue.

She felt the cold steel of the pole press to the back of her neck, and Viv held it there as the Master looped the leather collar around her neck, and fastened the latch. Then he grabbed her right hand, and thrust it into the first cuff. Vivian quietly closed it around her wrist, much tighter than the leather around her neck. Next they did the left.

The Master grabbed her chin, and forced her gaze up from his member to his eyes. “You’re bad at listening. You just do what you want,” he told her sternly.

“I want,” she said, gasping, desperate for him, “I want you to fuck me.”

continued here: https://erostopholes.wordpress.com/2015/04/25/lechomancer-chapter-9-punishment/

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/33srz5/lechomancer_chapter_9_punishment