Doctor Janus – A Black Tech Chronicle [M/F, Scifi, Breast Growth, Non-Con]

As the star ship “Zephyr” pulled away from Star base 2375 a lone figure clung to the underside of the ship. Secured by magnetic gloves and boots the figure hid where no one on the observation or operation decks would see. The small figure would have been hard to see against the dark hill of the ship even in line of sight but unless a shuttle passed under the Zephyr and happened to be looking up there was no way to see the solitary figure.

As the ship pulled out of visual range of the station making it’s way out of the solar system at sunlight to prepare to jump the figure made it’s way carefully over the surface of the hull slowly and carefully heading for the rear port airlock.

Upon reaching the airlock the figure withdrew a device from a utility belt and pressed the advanced looking box to the control panel. With a small jerk it adhered to the panel magnetically making BO sound in the vacuum of space. Micro plasma torched carefully cut into the panel and nanowires slid into the controls probing the inner workings of the machine. After a few minutes of waiting the device signaled that it had overridden safeties and bypass the sensors that would alert the bridge.