[MF] [wm/bw] The Conqured Queen

This story is part of a longer fic that I’m working on. It started out as a idea for a short scene and then that scene changed and evolved and now I’m in the last stages of working on the story. But I though I would at least share this scene.

Chieftess Naketa” Will said causing Naketa to jump slightly from where she was focused on her work at the small table that sat off to one side of her large European style tent. Naketa turned around with a confused look on her face. That had sounded like Will’s voice but he never called her Chieftess when they were alone. And his voice had sounded so dominate, like she was one of his soldiers to boss around. Will had never spoken to her in that tone though now a part of her was wishing he had.

Trying to remember a story i read on literotica. It was about a white construction worker and a black girl who ran away from home i think.

Ok so what i remember in order of what it happens is the main girl is on a bus i think listing to music and all she basically has is her clothing, ipod, and shoes. She comes into this town and is allowed to stay at the church when she stumbles into the chapel to get out of the rain.

She sleeps in the back room and eats a sandwich and i think the next day helps set up for the big church dinner where she meets the main guy. HE is white, tall, and an architect/contractor and somehow she goes home with him, i think he offers to let her crash there for a while.

After that i don't remember much other than they talk, there is a scene of him working on a trailer at his work site, showing her the house and talking about how he built the house and the granit counter top. Then there is a sex scene in the kitchen, his old GF comes in and tries to break him and the main girl up. Then the church burns down for some reason and the main girl runs away and goes back to her home to get back in contact with her family. And either he goes to find her or she comes back to him after a while and happy ever after.

I’m looking for a fic i found on literotica but i cannot find anymore and was wondering if it sounded familiar to anyone. It was a a fantasy story with elves and a magic collar

Ok so it was about a male human and a female elf. It started out with the male being in some band going through the forrest then them making camp before he goes off. He finds the elf's camp surrounded and the main girl surrounded by bad guys and wizards. The main character takes them out and brings her back to the camp and after cleaning her up they end up having sex in the tent.

Any ways she is an ambasador trying to get to the humans main city so he escorts her back part of the way. They end up stopping in an in and having sex again. And i caint remember if the collar comes in before or during this scene but they are imporatn. Basically collars to allow a person to controll another and the more runes put on the collar (i think up to seven) the more horrny a person will become.

Anyways they get back to the city and end up dating before she gets kidnapped by some bad guys and we start to learn about a larger plot going on. and the guy gets help from her friends at the ambasadors office who did not like him. And that was it, it wasn't finished but that was all i remember.

Dont know if this is allowed but im trying to decide what i want to write next or what ideas to totally throw away. so i was going to post here and see what people thought about some of my ideas. [M/F] [BDSM] [Fantasy] mostly.

Ok so I'm always getting ideas and some are more like just quick scenes i would like to do while others are more hashed out. I'm currently working on two and plan to post them soonish along with the next rebirth of krypton chapter when ever i get to it ( imagine Powergirl, Supergirl, and lots of pleasantly shaped crystals)

Any ways i thought i would write out some of my ideas and get feed back on them or get them out there so someone can see it and maby get inspired. Also it seems like it takes me forever to write, like it takes an hour to get 1500 or 2000 words out when i try to write a fanfic or litfic.