Overheard my girlfriend’s [FMF] threesome before we got together

In college my friend would throw big parties at the apartment she shared with two other girls. During one her roommate (5’6ish and petite, short brown hair and a nose stud, perky C cup tits) disappeared so after looking everywhere else my friend went over to find the door to the bedroom area locked. She was annoyed because she couldn’t get to her room but while standing by the door she overheard fucking and her roomie’s voice along with that of another girl. My friend was amused and called out “This ho’s having a threesome!” The group I was with went over and sure enough rhythmic thumping, moans, laughter, and the occasional ass smack could be heard.

My friend turned down the music, grabbed a glass from the kitchen (I was amused to see this done in real life) and put it up to the door to hear better. Being the character she is she also moaned back mockingly. Eventually everyone lost interest as the party didn’t sound like it was stopping anytime soon. I went back to beer pong with a half erection as I had found this girl attractive from the moment I met her. When I left she still hadn’t emerged from the bedroom and my friend was going to spend the night at her man’s apartment in the same building.

[FFM] My girlfriend has a one night stand with a couple

Years ago when she lived in San Diego my girlfriend went out to celebrate a birthday with some friends from work. She starts talking to this girl who talks up her “friend” and introduces him. My girlfriend found the guy attractive so when closing time rolls around she tells her friend that she’s going home with the dude and won’t need a ride home. The guy’s friend comes too and my girl thinks nothing of it figuring that maybe she lives on the way or they’re roommates.

The guy has a place downtown and my girlfriend starts making out with him in the elevator on the way up. The guy’s friend gets upset and interrupts them saying that her and the guy are actually dating and that she doesn’t know if she’s okay with this. The guy gets pissed and my girl wants to bounce at this point, telling them that she doesn’t want to cause any trouble.