Hens’ Night [f]antasy [ff]


“Are you sure you want to do this?” Caittrin asked, holding my hands firmly with a look so deep and serious “you dont have to take this step, we could always have a normal hen’s night. Its not too late. You know that, right?”

Giggling from the thrill “yes… hee mistress” i said in jest. To which resulted a harsh slap to my face and seeing cattirn still dead serious. “Im not kidding Erin, you’re still rather new and to wear a collar and take on a room of mistresses and their slaves is a big step for anyone. You will be used and abused for our pleasure and all of you is open to all of us. Are you sure? ” her smooth hand gently caress my stung cheek as she tucked my hair behind my ear

Standing outside the hotel room door, the big room numbers loomed behind the pretty petite lady infront of me. I took a long breath to calm myself down, i stood silently with my head bowed, thinking inside my head “shits about to get real.” It was a few minutes before i looked up, solemnly saying “yes, i accept to be used and abused in any way deemed fit by you and your friends’ pleasure…. mistress.”