[FFM] Taking Advantage for our fun.

This probably makes me an evil person, but I was told that this Reddit might enjoy the story.

Almost 2 years ago now, maybe a little less, one of David’s high school friend’s little sister came back to town after moving away. She was 5’2, chubby, Asian, and made her way to David’s business because all of her friends were gone, and she was honestly surprised that everyone that had stayed in the town was not well off besides David’s social circle. Her brother had recently gotten into legal trouble as well so she came back to see her parents. She walked into our business one day and David didn’t recognize her until she introduced herself. She asked if David’s other friends from high school were still around and David told her which ones were and weren’t. We invited her, her mom, and dad over for a little dinner and that went well. David gave them all the dirt on what had happened to everyone they used to know. At this point I’m totally out of the conversation because I have no idea who anyone is and such.