A Drunken Night to Remember. [MF][Very long]

Just wanted to share this story of one of my first sexual encounters, with a friend from high school. Strap yourselves in, it’s going to be a long one!

So the story begins on a Friday just like any other. At 7 a.m. sharp, my alarm went off. Shutting it off, I step into the shower and wash the sleep off me. Getting dressed, I drag myself to work, looking forward to the end of the day. My friend, Kathy, had invited me to a rave organized by the multinational corporation her husband DD worked at. A few friends from high school I hadn’t seen in almost ten years were going to be there as well. We had all decided in advance to go for a nice dinner before getting ourselves shitface drunk.

I get by the dreary day on autopilot, until 6 o’clock finally rolls around. Happy as a lark, I finish up what I’m doing, pack up, and proceed to meet my friends for dinner. With my workplace being the closest to the restaurant, I obviously arrive first, and one by one my friends trickle in as the meeting time approached. First was Victor, followed by Natalie, and then finally Kathy.