[FMF] Whiskey dick done right

So, I love reading the stories here, most are pretty hot.

With that, thought I’d share one of my wilder nights from my early 20’s (over 20 years ago) when I was a very “active” young lad.

I was 20 and had a girlfriend that went to a different college than me. I had a bunch of friends who went to that school as well and went to visit all of them one weekend. The week prior my gf had a night that I didn’t like the sound of. Seemed like something happened with this one dude and she was lying about things. We got into it and I told her I was just going to go to out with my friends, we did not leave on good terms.

Went out with my boys and it was a frat party. After a few drinks I got into a “does she know who she’s dating” type of mood and kinda made the decision, fuck her, if she’ll have her fun, I’ll have my fun too. I went and flirted and one girl latched on to me. We danced and kissed a bit, and she eventually asked me to come back to her place. She was pretty hot, great body, 5’5”, curly strawberry blond hair, athletic build with small boobs, great ass, confident as all hell.