Fooling around with [m]y adorable theater geek girl[f]riend while playing Among Us.

Very sorry for the lack of stories. August and September were rough on Rocky and I, but luckily we’re better now. As long as we got each other everything will sort itself out. It’s now been two whole years spent dating the most beautiful soul I’ve ever met and I’m so thankful that our paths crossed. Rocky is my best friend above everything else and every day spent with her is better than the last.

Even though school is in full swing for us we still make time for ourselves and our friends. Lately we’ve been playing Among Us with our friend groups whenever the chance finds itself. Either Rocky and I play with her theater friends or we play with my friends on any given night. Sometimes we play with a mix which ends in beautiful chaos. I play on my PC adjacent to the living room while Rocky plays on her laptop in the bedroom with the door closed to keep things fair between ourselves. I’m decent at being imposter, but nowhere near as good as Rocky. She’s like Shaq in the paint when it comes to being imposter, but when it comes to being a crewmate she’s like Shaq at the free throw line because she’s usually the first one to die.

Celebrating [m]y adorable theater geek girl[f]riend’s 20th birthday

Rocky moved in with me this past memorial day. It’s been nothing but happiness since. I didn’t expect living together to go so well as it is, although I’m not surprised by this. Given the chemistry and communication we have it shouldn’t shock me one bit. I love waking up with her in my arms every morning and I love falling asleep with her at night. I love waking up to her in the middle of the night holding her close as I fall back asleep and I love the time we spend together. I love the memories we’ve made so far and I can’t wait to see what memories we create in the future.

I had a sex marathon while house sitting with [m]y adorable theater geek G[F]

A little into the year my parents contacted me about house sitting for them while they’re out of town to celebrate their 30th anniversary over Valentine’s Day weekend. Since I attended college a little over a half hour away I was immediately their first choice given my two little sisters attend college out of state. I said it was no big deal and that I’d be happy to house sit for the two nights. I immediately asked Rocky if she wanted to spend the two nights with me there and she happily accepted. We’ve actually been tossing around the idea of moving in together since Rocky’s current roommate (her best friend) Joy will be graduating a year early at the end of the semester so we thought this would be a nice little experiment to test the waters.

Another bondage story with [m]y adorable theater geek girl[f]riend

Once 2020 was under way Rocky and I decided to make the most of what’s left with winter break once she got back into town after New Year’s Day. The first Friday of the year I decided to take Rocky out to a brewery/pizzeria in town for date night before we go back to my place for some alone time. She comes out with her new parka her mother gifted her for Christmas looking as gorgeous as ever. She sits down in the passenger seat placing her backpack by her feet. From there we went and had a fantastic dinner before we head back to my place with Rocky telling she has something to share with me. We get back to my place, I let us inside where Rocky takes off her coat sets her backpack on my kitchen counter. “Alright, you ready to see what I have?” She said with a smirk.

“Go ahead. Surprise me.”

She unzips her backpack and pulls out a small pelican case setting it on the table before pulling out a jar and opening it. My jaw fucking dropped it onto the floor as I realize it’s a small mason jar full of the dankest badder wax I’ve ever come across. I swear she just likes flexing this shit on me. “Let me guess, your brother?” I say to her.

I spent Christmas with [m]y adorable theater geek girl[f]riend and fucked her while her family was asleep.

The Friday before finals Rocky and I were hanging out at my apartment having one final hoorah before we went home for the holidays. We were going to be out of town to spend Christmas with our families, I had something up my sleeve though. You see back in late October when Rocky’s parents were in town to see the fall play, they had mentioned the idea of me joining them for thanksgiving which I declined but ultimately asked if Christmas would work better for me. I told them I’d get back to them and got in touch with Mark (her father) about two weeks later. I asked if I could drive into town to have Christmas dinner and spend the night to which he was totally okay with. I’ve built up a very good relationship with her parents and they completely trust me, they know just how much see means to me. He messages me the details before I ask him one more thing. I told him the story of how Rocky surprised me by coming back to campus early on in our relationship, and that I wanted to do the same with Rocky during Christmas. He accepted and told Amanda (Rocky’s mother) about the plan also which she found very sweet. I was so anxious the entire month leading up to it, I couldn’t wait to see the look on her face when I arrived.

Celebrating [m]y adorable theater geek girl[f]riend’s 19th birthday in grand fashion.

I was sort of hoping for this series of stories to be chronological, but I want to share something that happened back in the summertime. Back in late July when Rocky turned 19.

We decided to have a belated celebration as the both of us were back in our respective hometowns for a bit. I was visiting family while Rocky celebrated her birthday with hers. I was expected to be back in town a day before she arrived back in town, so I made damn sure I had everything perfect for her. I let her settle back into her apartment for the day while I got everything ready for her. I made her a cake (shoutout to [Adam Regusea’s chocolate cake recipe]( and since she’s a theater girl I got her [this t-shirt dedicated to her most favorite play]( I was so happy with how things turned out, I knew it would put such a smile on her pretty little face. The day comes by and I go get her for our lunch date. I text her to let her know I’m at her apartment before she comes on down. She looked so cute in her daisy dukes, she knows they drive me crazy. I give her a kiss before we drive away to our lunch date before we got back to my apartment. I purposefully took her to the Mexican restaurant in town to get the mariachi band to serenade her after our meal. She was embarrassed yet extremely happy at the same time. Once we got pack to my car, Rocky give me a playful little push before teasingly saying “OP you fucking asshole!” before we both burst out laughing.

Fucking [m]y adorable theater geek girl[f]riend’s best [f]riend while she watched.

[•Story 1](

[•Story 2](

[•Story 3](

[•Story 4](

[•Story 5](

[•Story 6](

I wanted to rework some parts of this story, sorry that I pulled it after I posted it initially. Thank you all so much for the continued support of this series. I never knew my stories would blow up like this and I’m more than happy to continue writing. Much love to everyone on GWstories, enjoy…




It was a few days after where the previous story ends. I was hanging out with Rocky over at her place while Joy was at work. We kick back, get baked and have my ass continually handed to me in Mario Kart by Rocky. I can only recall only two times in our entire relationship that I have beaten her and I’m pretty sure she let me win just as a way to taunt me, as if she was toying with me like some sort of cruel and angry god. As the night draws to an end Rocky asks if she can come hang at my place that Friday night after play auditions to which I happily accept. I kiss her goodbye and walk my way back to my apartment for the night to do some school work. The days pass on and I find myself getting ready for Rocky to come over. I hop out of the shower, get dressed, and receive a text from Rocky. “Hey, audtions just got done. Things went amazing! Joy will be dropping me off soon.”

Fucking [m]y adorable theater geek girl[f]riend’s best [f]riend while she watched.

[•Story 1](

[•Story 2](

[•Story 3](

[•Story 4](

[•Story 5](

[•Story 6](

Thank you all so much for the continued support of this series. I never knew my stories would blow up like this and I’m more than happy to continue writing. Much love to everyone on GWstories, enjoy…




It was a few days after where the previous story ends. I was hanging out with Rocky over at her place while Joy was at work. We kick back, get baked and have my ass continually handed to me in Mario Kart by Rocky. I can only recall only two times in our entire relationship that I have beaten her and I’m pretty sure she let me win just as a way to taunt me, as if she was toying with me like some sort of cruel and angry god. As the night draws to an end Rocky asks if she can come hang at my place that Friday night after play auditions to which I happily accept. I kiss her goodbye and walk my way back to my apartment for the night to do some school work. The days pass on and I find myself getting ready for Rocky to come over. I hop out of the shower, get dressed, and receive a text from Rocky. “Hey, audtions just got done. Things went amazing! Joy will be dropping me off soon.”

[M]y first threesome with my adorable theater geek girl[f]riend and her best [f]riend

[•Story 1](

[•Story 2](

[•Story 3](

[•Story 4](

[•Story 5](




This one starts off rather recently than the stories before, a little over two months ago on the first friday night of the school year…

“FUCK *gasp* FUCK *gasp* FUUUUCKKKK!” Rocky belts out as I’m fucking her hard from behind. “imgonnacum imgonnacum IMGONNACUM!!!”

“You cumming on daddy’s cock?” I grunt out to her.

“YEEeEsSss DAdDdDdyyy” Rocky howls back.

I take my index and middle finger and insert them into her pretty little asshole causing her to lose her mind. She mumbles, grumbles, and whimpers as she slowly came on my cock. I was sent over the edge by this and with my final blows I cum inside her pussy filling her up real good. I pull my cock out and observe the [creampie]( I made while giving her ass some spanks. I lay beside Rocky and engulf her in my arms and kissing her all over. We lay there snuggling post-sex for a few minutes before Rocky gets up to clean herself off as I get up to change into my PJs as we fall asleep together shortly after.