The Saga of Princess Sevi [nsfw] [anal play] [m/f] [oral] [cheating]

**This is chapter one from a new fantasy erotica novel I am working on. Feedback is welcome.**

“Oye… Did you hear that?” The fat watchman said to his skinny companion.

“Hear what?”

Lifting an ear he said, “I could swear I heard a noise coming from the king’s storehouse. It sounded like something crashing,” he added with a tone of certainty.

The two watchmen pushed open the heavy wooden doors and entered into the king’s storehouse to delve into the source of the suspicious sound. Light streamed in from outside, and a vast hoard of weapons and despoiled treasures shone in the streaming Sunlight. Row after row of swords stood on racks, oaken shields were piled as high as a man, mail coats hung from pegs along the walls, and shelves held beautifully crafted vessels from the farthest reaches of the known world.

Commissions open. I will write almost any taboo or kink for you. Let’s discuss.

I will write what Amazon & most large literary retailers won’t let you to read

Do you have trouble finding erotica with your brand of kink?

Let’s discuss your interests. I might have your taboo covered.

Message me here on Reddit
Or email me

I accept Cash App/PayPal

400 word ‘scenes’ $5

500-800 word ‘extended scene’ $7

1000 word $15

1500 $20

Longer commissions can be discussed.

Who? Basic character/s description. Age, Ethnicity, Sex/Gender, and any special physical features you might want your character to have.

What? What do you want them to do?

Where? Got a specific setting in mind?

I do have a few personal limits and boundaries I am not willing to cross:

No murder

No pre-pubescent characters

No vomit or shit involved

Some examples of taboos that I will write:

Incest & pseudo-incest

Forced/coerced sex

Beastiality – Horse, donkey, bull/cow, dog, deer, goat, sheep


If it isn’t listed, let’s discuss it.

Depending on the number of commissions I am working with, turnaround time is ~ 4 to 7 days

(Fantasy erotica) (m/f) (anal/submission) (oral)

This is a chapter in my new book available [here.](

Given the proportions of her lover thus revealed, the kept woman immediately regretted offering up her anus in an effort to charm her lord with a novel alternative to the cunt. 

—Unknown, “The Lay of Mayda, Love Hostage of King Mannaz” 

Meanwhile, as the night deepened and the relentless winds began to wane, Harold made his way through the deep snow from off his lookout post on the southern wall of the hill fort. He held a torch high in front of him to light his way. Chainmail jingled and footsteps fell with a crunching cadence. Harold’s mind was troubled as he thought about the shadowy shapes he’d seen from up in his tower, prowling beneath the black clouds on the edge of the forest. His mind was clear. He’d had no ale to dull his wits while on duty. His heart beat fast as he considered how best to deliver his report to the king. It was Yeol, after all, and Wade would likely be drunk.

Bred by the Seer and the Stranger (Submission) (mf) (forced anal) (oral)

Hello all. I was hoping to get feedback on my first fantasy erotica novel, [here](
The first chapter is free to read in the ‘look inside’. I would love to hear feedback.
My apologies if the link is not allowed.

Thanks for peeping..

Sevi is a beautiful young princess, who is honest, brave, and skillful, and guided in all her actions by duty and pride. But beneath her regal exterior – and her expensive dresses – Sevi is a woman whose soul finds expression in sensual pleasure. A trait that lead her into the arms of a despot with the body of a god and the tongue of a poet.

King Wade is a ruthless warrior, famous throughout Innangard for his victories in battle and his conquests in bed. Wade threatened war on Sevi’s kingdom, so in a bid to weave peace, Princess Sevi agreed to marry the handsome king. He becomes disenchanted with his new wife when she soon proves unable to fulfill the one duty that is expected of a princess when noble bloodlines are joined in marriage.