Eye Contact [F][Hypnosis][Exhibitionism][Memory Play]

Alice caught sight of her reflection in the coffee shop window as she waited impatiently for a man to exit. Rather than acknowledging his mumbled “Thank you” she did a quick self appraisal: Her blonde tresses were cascading pleasingly around her elfin face and the subtle job she’d done with her eye makeup this morning was on point. She smiled to herself, looking every part the classy young professional. Alluring… but unattainable.

The man’s voice rudely interrupted her contemplation.

“Scuse me love, looks like you’ve got a bit of toothpaste on your cheek there.”

“What!?” she couldn’t help sneering, and peered closer at her reflection. To her annoyance she noticed that there was actually a faint white smear at the corner of her mouth. She hastily wiped it off before flashing him a withering glance. She took in his high-visibilty jacket, hard-hat, faded jeans, and slight paunch. *Clearly some manner of workman.* Definitely beneath her.

As her eyes raised to his face, she noticed that his five o’clock shadow was at the very least *yesterday’s* five o’clock shadow, and was greying in places. Old. She thought. Probably some sad old pervert.