I know, I know. I said I wasn’t going to become one of those girls, who fawn over every vaguely hot man over 30 wearing a tie, but here we are. Six months into what was supposed to be my year of learning, and I can’t stop thinking about them. Sat in the lecture hall, when Mr. Callum adjusts his tie, or when Dr. Mark looks into the crowd as he talks about our biology… something awakens in me. Peering at their bulges. Analysing their big hands, with the veins coming through. Wonder if their dicks look the same. I’d kill to have Prof. Adam in my mouth. He looks like the biggest fit, for sure. If he’d fit, that is.
As I wander across the faculty hallway, I see Dr. Henry’s door open, just ajar. Perfect – I need to talk to him about my assignment. I can’t believe he would give me a B-, I worked so hard on it and honestly I think he’s just bitter that his wife left him. The guy is as Irish as they come, and I figure maybe a round of banter can help me out with him. I peek my head in, before knocking on the frame of the door.