The end to 4 years of no sex. (Part 2)

Now I don't know what made me do it exactly. Maybe it was my anger from being rejected by a couple female interests earlier in the year, the testosterone boost from working out 3-4x per week (as a result of that anger), or the fact that I had not been on a single date in years. Then again, maybe it was a combination of all these things. All I knew was that I needed to get laid.

The closest I achieved to penetrating pussy in the last few years was by proxy of a video-calling service to an eagerly sexual Indonesian girl half-way around the globe. We engaged in several sessions of mutual masturbation. I recall her placing her pussy in full view of the webcam as she laid back, fingering herself as I broadcast my own stroking routine with pleasure. On an earlier occasion when we were chatting, she asked "What size your dick." "5 inches," was my response, to which she followed with neither disappointment nor glee, but went on with her persuit of other questions, as though we were moving into a more serious relationship with each other. When pressed, she let me know that size wasn't that important a matter to her. She was a bit funny though. On one of our video sessions, she had gotten herself off and was then watching me intently as she was typing out messages to "help" me get myself off. "Making a baby" is one of the things she would say, which was probably one of the least sexy things I could think of. Then when I did cum all over myself she said "that's it?" I suppose my ejaculation via webcam was not as explosive and momentous as the porn she had been watching.