[FM] Fucked my professor (hey, I’m posting again!)

*Hey y’all! I really liked reading everybody’s responses to my first post and I hope you all enjoyed my pics that were up for approx. an hour! :) I figured I’d give you another story. This is really therapeutic for me because I haven’t disclosed any details to anybody before. This helps get my thoughts out in writing. Enjoy!*

After our first encounter, I was ready to hop back into bed with Z. Z ended up texting me the next day after our first encounter with a sweet,

“I’ve woken up imagining the feeling of your lips around my cock every damn morning since we’ve starting talking.”

With the way his teaching schedule worked and the way my classes were timed, we both had a long lunch break at the same time. My apartment was on campus, so I texted him back,

“Roommate has class until 2. Come over at 12:30?”

[FM] Fucked my college professor.

*I figure posting about this will be a win/win for all of us. You get some hot student teacher sex stories, I get a place to anonymously vent about this, since I hate keeping secrets but I really can’t/shouldn’t open my mouth about this. I will try my best to keep his identity vague for the sake of his job security and professional career. Enjoy!*

I was a second semester freshman at my university when I took a class taught by Z. The class was a gen-ed course, completely unrelated to my major, but I thought it was an interesting subject and needed the credit. The very first day of class, Z showed up more than five minutes late. I took to him right away. He isn’t a tall man, somewhere between five foot eight and five foot ten, but he has a presence that makes him seem much taller. My university is not a southern school, but he is from some southeast state, giving him a bit of a drawl. He has a short, light brown scruffy beard and mustache and green eyes, with kind of a David Beckham style haircut. Pointed features, strong jaw- just my type. He would teach with such enthusiasm about his subject. It was endearing.