[FFM] Another highlight from our week with Lucy!

Firstly, hope you enjoyed first insight into our week with a Redditor.
The GF was going to post one of her highlights today but she came home sick from work and has been in bed since. :(
Figured I’d better post another instead.

Secondly, apologies in advance for typos etc, doing this on my mobile again.

[FM]/[FFM] – Highlight from our week with another Redditor!

So, it’s a been a while since I posted anything on Reddit, but as those who have read my past stories will know, my GF had a bit of a thing for bringing in other women.
We had a very enjoyable time with one of my GF’s friends just before Christmas, and recently we’ve spent just over a week with another Redditor who was over here for a “Sexual Experience Get Away” and an FFM was on her list.

Now, I can’t post everything that went on over the time we were together, mostly just because it would take too long but I will post a few highlights now and then, I think my GF plans to do the same.
Basically, dedicating that many days to sex forces a lot of creativity, as quite frankly you do get sore and tired but it was still an incredible time.

Now our American friend, who I’ll call Lucy, was a very beautiful woman, who as well as being an incredible professional masseuse, was also a keen Yoga enthusiast.
I often joined her as I too try to do at least 30-60mins of Yoga a day myself, I always do it in just my boxers, Lucy, however, liked to do it completely naked, which was a huge distraction in all honesty.

Her Christmas Present [MFF]

OK, been a while since I posted anything.
Things have been going really great between me and R, as you may have noticed she’s been posting a few of our experiences on here.
Now… Something she expressed a real interest in early on, something that has apparently only gotten more and more of a stronger desire for her, is to share me. She’s explained how the thought of another woman getting fucked by me turns her on, the idea of watching, or even more, controlling it. Telling me how to fuck another woman, telling her how to please me, etc.
This felt very strange to me, I’ve had a lot of sexual experiences in the past, casual hook-ups, adventurous stuff, etc, but to be in a serious committed relationship and be asked to have sex with another woman was odd, strange, and uncomfortable. It still feels like cheating to me.
After R continued to express this, and willing indulged a kink or two of mine (which may now also be kinks of hers) I agreed we’d try a threesome with a friend of hers that she already had in mind.

[MF] Very pleased to post a follow up with ‘R’…

So, I’m pleased (very pleased and exhausted) to be posting a follow-up encounter to my last post…
I was sure to pay attention to everything not just because I really enjoy my time with R but also because I wanted to be able to write up in details for you all…

We’ve been working at opposite times so even keeping in touch via text has been limited, I was keen to get back and pick up where we left off.
I managed to finish the work early and get back to “Home” Monday morning. Unfortunately,
Knowing R would be at work until 2200, I got in a bit of training, ran some errands, etc.
Now, as the day progressed I was feeling hornier and hornier in anticipation of what I hoped would happen. Not wanting this to ruin things, I relieved some “stress” with the help of some of the beautiful ladies on GoneWild.

[MF] First Time Poster, Unexpected New Partner, Probably The Best Sex Ever!?

I’ve been a reader for quite a while, as well as a member of regular GW, and for a while have contemplated telling some of my past exploits but not sure quite which ones to share.
However, about a couple weeks ago I ended up starting something that resulted in some of the best sex ever and I felt it was good to share. (A bit long though, those only in for the sex may want to skip a bit, I’ve even headed it for you: ***This is where the sex begins***)

Bit of background… Last 7 years I’ve been living from an RV/Campervan after a failed Long Term relationship. Since then I’ve thrown myself into my training and between that and work, don’t get a lot of time to seek a meaningful relationship. Therefore, one night stands and a couple of regular FWB have been it really for that time.
Last few months have been tough as one of my FWB moved away for work 6 months ago, and the other went and got herself a BF who a couple of months ago decided she wanted to get serious with… Leaving me FWB-less.