the three housemates [MFF]

After I graduated college, I moved to Oakland and started dating a girl in the same neighborhood as me. Rina was petite, smart, athletic, and was the kind of person who was always learning some new skill or exploring a new hobby. I had a studio apartment so we spent a lot of time there – reading books, listening to movies, and hooking up. She had a very high sex drive and there were plenty of times when we’d fuck, both cum, and then she’d immediately start masturbating again as she watched my cock soften. She’d go out for a jog or do yoga and when she was finished we’d hook up again. I loved the weird way her brain worked and how we could be arguing about some math theorem one moment and I’d be choking her out the next.

She lived with two other roommates – both women in their early 20’s – and their apartment’s common area had a big TV with nice speakers opposite a large comfortable couch. We’d do movie nights there every week or two and would sometimes be joined by one of her housemates.

A night with multiplw fwb’s [FM]

K and I connected on Tinder and went for a walk around Dolores Park in San Francisco. He was tall, conventionally attractive, and dressed well. I always dress up for dates, so I was really excited to see someone else put in the effort to look good – too many guys in SF will show up to a date in jeans and a t shirt. I wore a nice blouse and a black skirt with leggings – not remotely slutty, but something I’ve discovered is guaranteed to turn heads – guys in this city are obsessed with the secretly-slutty working professional… I had a little trouble keeping up with him as he walked – I’m a petite Asian woman and yes, the size difference immediately turned me on.

After chit chatting for a little while he invited me back to his place and we sat on his couch and shared beers (I don’t really like alcohol but he offered and I didn’t want to say no). I could tell that he was taking his time to make a move but I was feeling impatient. One of the consequences of dressing well and being shy is that most men will put you on a pedestal and won’t immediately rush to tear your clothes off.