Making Him Cum on the Dance Floor

“Hi Julie!”

My best friend was calling. Asking of course, about what we were going to do tonight. She’s maybe the sweetest person I know but God! she really doesn’t know how to make a decision to save her life.

“Hey Megs” she says from the other line. “So where we going tonight?” Uh-huh, just as I thought.
“You know, you could decide what we do – for once.”

“I know, I know, but you’re so good at these things! I don’t know how you can be so confident all the time. Maybe you can teach me sometime.”

“Maybe I will. Let’s head to the Jukebox and see what kind of trouble we can get into. There’s usually more than enough cute guys to go around.” I was secretly hoping for a particular type of guy tonight. The type of guy who usually doesn’t get the girls. The type of guy I can manipulate into doing anything I want.

Silence on the other end.

“Megs, you know I’m not good picking up guys.”

“I know,” I laugh. “That’s why you have me! I’ll pick you up at 10.”

“I’ll get the first round. See you tonight, Megs!”

Dipping Her Toes Into Adultery

I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect. This man had a certain hold on me and yet I had never met him in person. His words, though. Somehow the words he types on that computer screen could make me wet in a manner of seconds, making my insides race with desire. A desire I had not felt in a very long time.

That morning I said goodbye to my husband just like any other day. And just like every other day, he merely smiled and said “see ya.” Yeah. “See ya, alright” I thought to myself. I didn’t even get a peck of a kiss anymore, let alone a hug.

And off to work I went. Except I didn’t go to work. Not today. Today I took the day off, unbeknownst to my husband. Instead, I drove an hour across town to the hotel where he made reservations for us. And here I am, sitting in my car in the parking lot, nervous as fuck. And why should I be? I’m an attractive, professional, successful woman. Just because the man I have at home won’t touch me, doesn’t mean I’m not desirable anymore. Rod doesn’t think so, anyways!