[MM] [Group] [FT] [MT] Me and my SO’s slutty trip to Amsterdam

I’ve posted before about mine and my SO’s recentish venture into swinging/open relationship/hotwifing/whatever (still don’t know what to call it), and how it was triggered by her wanting to try a ladyboy hooker in Amsterdam. Well, the day had finally arrived for our trip. Quick disclaimer right now; my SO was on her period and I had some eczema on my butt, so things weren’t going to go quite as planned, but that doesn’t mean we weren’t up for any fun at all.

The first night we (me, my SO and our friend who’d come with us) were too exhausted to do anything too demanding, but we spent a good bit of time checking people out while we were in bars, lounging outside cafés and wandering around. And wow were there some people to check out. Are all Dutch people so unbelievably hot? Because we were playing “Yes or No” and we eventually had to change it to “No, Yes, Hell Yes”, because there were so few “No”s. We were absolutely on heat looking at all the gorgeous guys. Not that the girls weren’t incredible too, but we’re more interested in men.

**Day 2 – My Solo Venture**

My and my SO’s third visit to a swinger’s club [Group]

I’ve posted recently about mine and my SO’s first two experiences sharing each other, if you want to look at the rest of the story, check my profile.

This Saturday we continued the fun, my SO dressed in a new, stunning red corset, complete with her blonde wig and kitty ear headband. I had a pair of faux-leather, ass-less chaps which we had trial ran the night before as the lacing was an absolute enigma. We arrived quite late and changed straight into our outfits, my SO proudly and confidently getting changed in the open, bringing a proud smile to my face.

We started our night with some drinks and a game of pool with a couple who we chatted to for quite a while, scoping out a great selection of really nice guys and couples, and exploring the place as we are wont to do.

Me and my SO [Group] return to the swingers club

I [posted last week](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/v0l9wr/me_and_my_so_group_popped_our_swinging_cherry_at/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) about to share mine (33M) and my SO’s (33F) first time sharing each other with other people and our first time at a swingers club. We had a lot of fun.

**A Surprise Day Off**

Over the past week, we’ve spent a lot of time discussing our night out at the club, making ourselves constantly horny and coming up with yet more things we wanted to try. Unfortunately, having only one weekend off a month meant that the club would have to wait, though we both wanted to meet other people outside of the club to have fun with while we waited.

We also thought it’d be fun to keep a tally of our conquests and so I, nerd as I am, started a spreadsheet with separate columns for each of us and columns for sex and sexual acts separately. Our visit to the club being right at the end of the month, this meant my SO won our very first Slut of the Month competition with two sexual acts to my one, though none of us had had sex with anyone else.

Me and my SO [Group] popped our swinging cherry at a sex club last night.

**LOOOONG Backstory (sorry, I just started typing and couldn’t stop. You can skip this bit, it’s not that interesting)**

Me and my SO are both bi and so ever since the start of our relationship 4 years ago, we’ve had an understanding that we are free to do anything with people of the same sex, and, because we’re not too worried about that, also members of the opposite sex. However, until recently, we hadn’t really discussed this to any great length or acted on it.

We’re soon going on a holiday to Amsterdam where, last time I went, before we were together, I enjoyed the company of a ladyboy hooker. My SO loved this idea as she’d never been with a ladyboy, and wanted to do this herself. Knowing that she can be a little shy at times (she’s been getting steadily better over the past 4 years), I realised that there’s a good chance that she’d be too worried to suggest doing anything while we were there, and I really didn’t want her to come home regretting missing the opportunity.